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Opinions of Thursday, 22 September 2022

Columnist: Abdul-Razak Lukman

Mama is gone

File photo: A mother and her baby File photo: A mother and her baby

Dr. Ike Tandoh, a consummate PR lecturer and strategic brand management specialist with over two decades of rigorous practice, tells a captivating story of a mother who departs this world without prior announcement to her progeny – leaving them very thoughtful about what the future holds for them.

Dr. Ike Tandoh is the Chinua Achebe of this decade whose selection of words, sumptuously masturbates dead dreams into reality. His careful choice of words evokes a sense of hope and can-do spirit regardless of the fact that Mama is Gone. This isn't just about MAMA but any loved one whose love for you is beyond imaginable boundaries.

MAMA IS GONE, but the love we shared didn’t die. With Mama's advice, grief should last a lifetime as we carry the lessons from the love we shared into our own lives and the lives of the next generations.

MAMA IS GONE, but the love we shared didn’t die. With Mama's advice, grief should last a lifetime as we carry the lessons from the love we shared into our own lives and the lives of the next generations.

A mother is ANYONE who has the understanding of life's caveats. A mother is ANYONE whose sense of humour is off the charts, and she has the gift of making the worst situations funny.

When you have a mother, she is your greatest cheerleader and defender. Losing your Mother is hard. However, it will get better and over the years you will come to realize that she hasn't totally gone, rather she has left a warm spot in your heart that can be felt via memories and that voice in your head that gives you the type of advice she used to give you when she was nearby.

That is why you need this futuristic work of life art to reshape your thoughts for the future because you're the future of your children.

Ask yourself how your mother would want you to grieve her loss. How long would she want you to suffer? How many tears would she want you to shed? How long would she want you to disrupt your life with pain and dysfunction? The path she would ask you to follow would be far simpler than the one you are likely to have chosen.

Be well, let grief be a teacher and mentor for what is most important in life.

MAMA IS GONE is everyone's life saviour. Get your copy from Dr. Ike Tandoh and be a blessing to many.