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Opinions of Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Mamponghene Usurps Asantehene’s Powers Install A New Kumawuhene

At the opening of Asanteman Council on Monday 24 February 2014 at Manhyia Palace, Kumawu chieftaincy case was the first to be addressed. Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II purposefully ignored the quadruple invocation of the Asantehene Great Oath (Asantehene Ntamkese) on Kumawuhemaa and her designated candidate intended to ascend the Kumawu Kodua paramount Stool.


Under this particular Asantehene of questionable character, the Asantehene Great Oath has lost its relevance in conflict resolution in Asanteman. Why did he not seek first to address the invocation of the Oath prior to implementing his collusive agenda hatched behind closed doors as revealed in some of my earlier publications?


In feigning weakness to cleverly exonerate himself of any blame and further castigations by his so-called detractors, he allowed Mamponghene and his conspirators to hijack the day. Mamponghene became the lead adjudicator. He was seconded by all the other corrupt Asanteman Amanhene without demonstrable integrity to proclaim Kumawuhemaa’s candidate as the successor to the late Barima Asumadu Sakyi II.


He told the other chiefs that Kumawuhemaa has promised to buy them luxury cars so they should support her candidate. Subsequently, he introduced the said Dr Sarfo, Kumawuhemaa’s candidate to the Council and asked Kumawu Kontrihene, Akwamuhene and Nifahene, the only living Kumawu Kingmakers if any of them has adverse report about him. All three answering in turn in the negative, Mamponghene asked Dr Sarfo to come to Manhyia Palace on Thursday, 27 February 2014 to swear the oath of allegiance to Asantehene sitting on the Golden Stool to confirm his formal enthronement as Kumawuhene.


When in the history of Kumawu did Mamponghene and his cabal seeking to exploit Kumawuman became the absolute power to choose a chief for Kumawu? Have the doubting-Thomases now seen the truth in all my assertions as published on the internet? Do I now not stand vindicated publishing the boldly expressed view of Ahenenananohene? He said the invocation of Asantehene Great Oath on Kumawuhemaa and her candidate would come to naught as long as Asantehene Otumfuo Osei Tutu II was the one to preside over it. It has happened according as forecast by Ahenenananomhene, a great supporter of Kumawuhemaa.


They now have the licence to exploit the wealth of Kumawuman at the expense of Kumawuman citizens. They all stand to receive hefty sums of money promised to them in addition to tracts of stool lands. I will not go over all that has already been written about the intention of these chiefs, a seeming pride of hunting lions intended to feed sumptuously on their prey (Kumawuman).


Before Asanteman Council in the packed room, on Monday 24 February 2014, Kumawuhemaa made these public revelations or statements. She said to the hearing of all present that the Kumawu Kingmakers had accepted bribes from her on condition of accepting her chosen candidate. She had given Kumawu Kontrihene GHC15, 000 (Old Cedis 150 Million), Kumawu Akwamuhene GHC10, 000 (Old Cedis 100 Million) and Kumawu Nifahene who doubles as Kumawu-Bodomasehene GHC10, 000 (Old Cedis 10 Million). The trio (Kontrihene, Akwamuhene and Nifahene) had agreed to accept further GHC50, 000 (Old Cedis 500 Million) after the enthronement of the queen’s choice of candidate. Additionally, she gave the three of them another GHC10, 000 (Old Cedis 100 Million) to share among the other member-sub-chiefs of the Kumawu Traditional Council.


She did not mention the bribes she has paid to Mamponghene and other Asanteman chiefs of which, many a discerning Ghanaian is aware of. If they challenge me to the contrary or not, knowing very well that they have been induced financially or in kind or promised favours to do as they did, then be they cursed and tormented unto their third generation by all the most powerful spirits and gods the world over. May this curse stand and be a mark of destruction in their families if they have acted inappropriately, having accepted even a pesewa from Kumawhemaa and her cronies to influence their decision. May all counter curses return upon their heads?


Kumawu paramountcy has been sold to the highest bidder. This has been made known by Kumawuhemaa before Asanteman Council. Will she not use the Kumawuman money as I have repeatedly mentioned recently in my publications to offset all the money she has borrowed to pay bribes running into billions of old Ghana Cedis?


Kumawu, especially, will continue to see intentional destruction. The people will continue to defecate in their backyards and suffer from periodic cholera and typhoid fever outbreaks should they refuse to agitate for their rights.


Finally, Kumawuhemaa told the gathering that she intentionally fixed a gate on the outer entrance to Kumawu Kontrihene’s house. The agreed intention was for Kontrihene shutting it on the Ananangya and the Odumase royals; not allowing them access to the house on 9 December 2013 when she attempted a botched enthronement of her candidate. She accused Kontrihene of failure to do as agreed by letting the Ananangyas and the Odumases inside, hence proceeding to side with them after all the money and the gate offers.


Kontrihene was the only one able to defend his acceptance of the bribe. He said, he did not ask for it. He was at home when the queen sent a messenger to deliver an envelope to him. Did he investigate why the envelope containing money was given to him? No! There we go corruption galore.


Our leaders are not there to seek the interests of their subjects but there to greedily line their pockets. I cry for my beloved Kumawuman, especially, Kumawu that lies in ruins.


Why was Mamponghene, a crook who cheated a Mampong woman in the USA of US50, 000 by promising to make her the queen of Mampong but finally reneging on his promise, become the principal adjudicator in Kumawu’s case? What was the Asantehene doing? Was he scared to make a cockup that will reignite his public ridicule and castigations? Keeping a low profile attitude to allow the rogues to behave as they did does not in anyway in the eyes of intelligent persons exempt Asantehene from blame.


I would have said a lot but I won’t for the fact that I had decided to end expressing further views on Kumawuman. I came back just to quickly inform the world of what has happened.


Now, the Ankaases are the sole royal family of Kumawu according to Asanteman Council consequent upon the special relationship between the Asante Overlord and Kumawuhemaa.


This is a case study or a coursework for the emerging historians and journalists. When did upcoming Kumawuhene first swear oath to Asantehene before being introduced to Kumawu people and swearing oath to them? Have you realised how corrupt the leaders of whom I currently have no respect for can be corrupt? I have every reason for not respecting them. Shameless lot, what a prejudice?


I have no more interest in writing about Kumawuman but I may be obliged to respond to any fabrications by the emerging historians who are easily lured with the bait of crumbs falling from the queen’s table.


Rockson Adofo