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Opinions of Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Columnist: Atta-Boakye, Ken

Managing Your Resources: School is Important.

Opinion Opinion

We cannot think of any better way to manage our resources than a more accommodating quality education. In her most recently published inspiring book, Emelia Adjei says, “let us arrest our children for Christ before the Police arrest them for crime.” By planning and allocating our resources towards a more well thought-out civic education, we will not only be saving our kids from crimes we shall also be building a stronger future for our nation.
My experiences as a substitute teacher for the past three years for Fairfax County Public Schools, Virgina have taught me to believe that the greatness of a nation lies in the investments they make in education. Ghana falls short in this assessment. The leaders are still grappling with fundamental issues and the problems stare them in the face.
• Eliminate schools under trees; that belongs to the past.
• Repair weak and collapsing classroom blocks to save student lives.
• Replace leaking roofs to avoid students soaking in rain in the class.
• Make school feeding program universal. A hungry man is an angry man. An angry man is ill-prepared to study.
• Put premium on civic education.
There are three books specially prepared by CPCE to accomplish this initiative in the schools.
These are:
1. Campaign to Promote Civic Education in Ghana (CPCE)
2. Teacher’s handbook for CPCE
3. Project Save Your Village.

Ghana deserves better. What is your take on this?

E-mail of the author: [email protected]