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Opinions of Saturday, 21 December 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Many a "Friends Today Enemies Tomorrow" Abounds

...Shamelessly in NPP

I am getting disturbed about the gradual but persistent injurious acts by certain elements within the NPP. Their behaviour has the potential to cause the implosion of the NPP if not checked and gotten rid of. ? I direct this publication at those NPP members who are now showing their true, but very disgustingcolours. They are wolves in lamb skin actually. The very people who not long ago were with Nana Akufo Addo, sympathising with him, giving him moral support when Justice Atuguba and his cabal of Supreme Court judges robbed him of the Election 2012 winning verdict, have now turned their back on him.?For the sake of power, which they may in the end abuse same as President Mahama is doing, some people without shame, have intentionally, although diabolically, decided to soil the reputation of the cleanest and the most incorruptible citizen of Ghana at the moment– Nana Akufo Addo Dankwah. ? Who in Ghana until today has been able to either challenge or fault him on his public declaration of, "I am not corrupt,I have never been corrupt and shall never be?" Nobody! Why then are all these lies and attempts to weaken him by his rivals within the NPP who should have known better? ? All the empty vessels and the advance-losers who are within the NPP, determinedly scheming to undermine Nana Akufo Addo as far as their evilness will carry them are bound to fail as long as the Almighty God lives and Nana’s battle still continues to be the Lord’s. ? I invite all discerning Ghanaians and the suffering masses to rally support for Nana Akufo Addo, now known in certain circles in London as DAVID, to come to rescue us from the modern day torturous slavery we have miserably been subjected to under the directionless, visionless, and most corrupt Mahama-led NDC government. ? There is still hope, so Nana should never be despaired but to continue to trust in the Lord and the non coat-wearing boys and girls in the NPP to work tirelessly to ensure his success in 2016. ? I advise Nana to beware of those nearer to him who may be suspects. May shame overcome the backstabbers in the NPP who secretly dine with the NDC under the cover of darkness but come out to smile more broadly and saintly with Nana during the day? ? I have lost my firepower due to me feeling poorly lately. I shall be back on track sooner so my fans should not get worried. ? My Seasonal Christmas greetings to Nana Akufo Addo and wife Mama Rebecca, all trusted NPP folks, reformed NDC folks, discerning Ghanaians, Nana Yaa Afriyie of "Nana Addo Ladies Club" in France, Abaawa, Maa Akosua, Obaa Yaa, Asabre, Akyea, Adu, Kwame, mother, I.K and wife Maggie, Akonta, Jones, K. Asiamah-alias Supper, Yaa Brago (Italy) and all loved ones. There is light at the end of the tunnel, I assure you all.

?Rockson Adofo ? In pursuance of their selfish aspirations and agendas, the once supposed shoulders that Nana Akufo leant on and cried have come to stab him hard on the back. Those that he trusted, confided in, and were probably his best friends, have truly become his worst enemies for no genuine reason within such a short space of time after that infamous Supreme Court verdict pronounced on Election 2012 petition on 29 August 2013.