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Opinions of Thursday, 3 June 2010

Columnist: A.K. 47

Massive Victory For Prof. Frimpong Boateng


Most people call him the man with vision; I call him my visionary President and the President for the youth, the former Chief Executive Officer of Korle Bu Teaching Hospital, the first Ghanaian Cardiothoracic surgeon, the first black Cardiothoracic Surgeon to perform heart transplant in the history of the planet, the founder and the Director of the National Cardiothoracic Centre – Korle Bu, the President of the Ghana Red Cross Society, the founder of the Ghana heart foundation which is aimed to assist and ease tension on patients with heart problem. A patron of the New Patriotic Party and a flagbearer aspirant of the NPP, in the person of Prof. Dr. Kwabena Frimpong Boateng is tipped to have a massive win if and only if delegates on August 7th vote on issues; Track record, personal attributes and good message. A survey conducted by the Friends Media Consults (FMC) vividly indicates that, considering all angles, if delegates should acces and diagnose messages presented by all the aspirants, Prof. Boateng is on top.

The delegates confessed, “His message does not attack any personality, but they are based on facts and records which is a clear indication of faith in his own abilities.” Some aspirants go round with no objective message although people claim they are the front liners. The only thing they say is; is my turn, His time has passed, He is too old, I am young and energetic and what have you. I do not classify these words as objective and heart touching message, rather, a recipe of confusion. These aspirants should not forget what Jeffery Gitomer said in his book entitled; Yes Attitude and I quote “If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing”. A word to a wise is enough. Prof. Frimpong Boateng’s message is all about things he has previously done (track records) and what he knows he can do if given a wider opportunity. What I want to emphasize here is that his track record are widely written on walls in every corner of the nation and even worldwide. His track record are not limited to any aspect of life be it Agriculture, Technology, Medical field just to name a few.

Secondly, all what he says are things he knows he can do not things he thinks he can do. If delegates themselves have these testimonies, and believe that he has the strong message among all aspirants, and knows as well that, his message, if put in action would rescue Ghana from its mess, why do they want to deny him that immunity? And as well deny all Ghanaians the opportunity to experience the true meaning of Development in Freedom which is one of the hull marks of NPP. IS it because of their “selfish gain” or their misled tradition which I have never bought? The delegates should bear in mind that NPP and for that matter Ghanaians would never forgive them if they make another mistake as they did previously. There is one thing most N.P.P members have not taken into consideration which I always give credit to Mr. Jake Obetsebi Lamptey for realizing this fact. He say and I quote “N.D.C is bad at governance but they are very good in winning elections through the use of any availably tool they lay their hands on.” I stand on this quote from Jake Obetsebi Lamptey and advice all NPP executives that the fact that the NDC is performing badly and as well taking Ghana from its betterment to bitterment does not necessarily mean they can easily win the 2012 elections with any person they choose or present as their candidate. This is far from the truth and strategically unreasonable. I wonder who deceived them into thinking that. There is no doubt that a candidate who is chosen should have his own message, track record and personal attributes before toping up with the party’s message and it’s philosophies. When this happens, what it means is that, not every negative thing that affects the party directly affects the presidential candidate because he might have a track record which might cover the weak side of the party. If the candidate, therefore, has no or less track record or no personal attributes, anything that affects the party negatively, directly affects him, as it happened to us in 2008. A typical example was when NDC branded NPP as a corrupt party, had Prof. Frimpong- Boateng been our candidate, we the NPP could have easily cited some examples of his fight against corruption and the way and manner he deals with corrupt people. (You can refer to my previous article entitled; the president that never were. Just to know how Prof. Boateng deals and manages corruption). Since it is clear that he has existing track record, it could have easily covered the propaganda NDC raised against us. This is just an elementary strategy that every average politician should be aware of, since it does not take a person with PhD in political science to tell you this, or a prophet to prophesy. It is therefore heart rendering that a person with all these qualities would be sacrificed for another candidate who moves in the direction of the wind due to his light weight in respect of track record and personal attributes. Most people are also of the view that Prof. Frimpong Boateng’s track record are all in private life, and that he has no political track records. Some even think that he has not been into politics for long. The fact is that, it does not take a “Methuselah” in politics to win power. The world over are looking for people who are in one way or the other not seen in the political front, but has what it takes be a president.

If I may ask, who knew Tony Blair before he became a prime minister of Britain? Who knew Barack Obama before he started his flag bearership campaign and latter became the president of America? Who had ever heard of David Cameron before he became the newly Prime Minister of Britain? Which of the above listed personalities organized Kumepreko before becoming president or presidential material. The fact is that we need industrialist, Entrepreneurs and people with genuine intentions and visions to lead this party and for that matter the nation in General.

Join the wining and the reputable team. Professor Dr. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng.

The right choice and the unifier. BY: A.K. 47(Friends Media Consults)