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Opinions of Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Columnist: Clement Sangaparee

May God give Akufo-Addo long life so that we teach him Ghana’s history – Part 3

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Any history told by the wielders of political power must be regarded with the utmost suspicion. Who was comrade Trotsky? He was the second in command to Lenin in the Russian Revolution. After the death of Lenin, Trotsky clashed with Stalin and was expelled from the party and later murdered and his name was even purged from Soviet encyclopedias.

Several distortions of history even to the point of burning non-conforming progressive books have been a regular practice of many imperialist instigated dictatorial regimes like the National Liberation Council (NLC) military Junta led by ‘General’ E.K. Kotoka and Major Afrifa, all of cursed memories, who overthrew Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in the first bloody coup on 24th February 1966.

After that infamous bloody coup d'etat, they burnt most of the progressive books and documents of Dr. Nkrumah in a bonfire at the Flagstaff House, Dr. Nkrumah’s office and residence at that time. No patriotic Young Pioneer Cadre including this writer will ever keep quiet over the president's speech on 6th March 2017.

General Bawah, who resisted the bloody 1966 coup in February 1966, was shot and killed together with some 7 soldiers at close range by the NLC men at a go. Since president Akufo-Addo failed in history at the secondary school as well as at the University of Ghana with ‘F’ in chains, throughout, it is time we teach him Ghana’s political history free of charge.

Good government has always been foiled by self interests, short sightedness, corruption and the lust to sustain power by suppressing dissent and the NPP is very good at it, as they have bought 98% of the Radio station Journalists as well as the print media like bags of maize and the media now see no evil and hear no evil, but always see only the good side of the NPP whenever it is in power. We cannot actually sit down as former Young Pioneer Cadres and allow president Akufo-Addo to REWRITE GHANA’S HISTORY ON NATIONAL PARADES. He Lie Bad, we shall defend Dr. Nkrumah even with our lives – no two ways about it.

There was a violent demonstration against the introduction of the Value Added Tax (VAT) by the NDC government led by Rawlings in 1995 and four young men died during that demonstration with Nana Akufo-Addo as the leading member, that’s why I chose to call him the ‘Kume Preko’ president. However, when the NPP came to power in the year 2000, they saw that the VAT was good and so they increased its percentage; so those four Young Men died for NOTHING and that is the NPP for you.

Threats and calls for bloodshed in 1996 and 2000

Tell Rawlings that if he wins the 1996 elections, Ghana will be in flames, this was said by Dr. Nyaho Tamakloe during the 1996 general elections, but Rawlings won.

Even in an Ocean of Blood, the Alliance would march to the Castle – This was said by one Charles Biney, an Alliance for Change (AFC) Coordinator and a taxi driver in the USA as quoted by the ‘Daily Graphic’ 23rd August 1996, but Rawlings crushed the so – called Great Alliance of the NPP and NCP in 1996 without any difficulty and nothing happened that year.

The Alliance would walk in an ocean of whose blood to the Castle? The Clergy in Ghana which has become the religious wing of the violent prone NPP remained silent, the Muslims remained Neutral, Civil Society Organizations supported the NPP, the media supported the NPP and Ghana was awash with hate, suspicions. Vengeance bitterness, tribal politics and even open sabotage as it happened in 2016 through extreme greed of most party leaders in the NDC which lost with a whopping 1.2million votes to the NPP. If Not For The Fear of God, the NDC should have been scrapped from the books of Ghanaian politics as a political party. Members of the NDC must keep quiet and allow the NPP to govern the people as a responsible government – this was said by the Foul mouthed tribal bigot – Yaw Osafo Marfo on January 23rd 2003.

They think falsely that the struggle for democracy came to an end with the coming into being of the vicious government of the blood soaked NPP government – they lie bad. Did they keep quiet when president Rawlings was governing the country from 1982 – 1992 – up to the year 2000? Didn’t they kill innocent young men through violent demonstration against VAT in 1995?

President Akufo-Addo has stirred the hornet's nest and the bees would fly and sting him for trying to rewrite Ghana’s history.

You keep your fingers crossed, I shall return with more fire.

“Jaanbie Iwaii”

Aluta Continua

Clement Sangaparee
United Cadres Front

All Media Houses
Accra – Ghana

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