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Opinions of Sunday, 9 September 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

May the Pentecost Fire burn Yaw Boateng Gyan into Ashes

A wolf in a sheep's skin (Yaw Boateng Gyan) has been uncovered. An unknown accomplice has stitched Yaw Boateng Gyan, an Akan from the Brong-Ahafo Region up. Yaw Boateng Gyan is an Elder at a Pentecostal Church branch in Ghana.

Being a power drunk corruptible member of the most disgusting party and government Ghana has ever had, the NDC National Organizer (Mr Yaw Boateng Gyan), has involved himself in treachery. Although a Christian and an Elder, he has masterminded a plot to wreak lethal havoc on Ghanaians he purports to be his party's enemies.

I wonder how greed could move him to engage in the most despicable act any mind can envisage. Aspiring for the retention of power for his party in the midst of their gargantuan mediocrity, "can't do" attitude, visionless, ridiculous involvement in official corruption and lawlessness, Yaw Boateng Gyan hatches a plot, recruits lowlifes and tasks them to execute it to precision. He asks his recruits to go to the ten regions of Ghana, gather information upon which final strategy to inflict mayhem on Ghanaians will be finalised. On the election day (December 7, 2012), the NDC would have issued his accomplices National Security Identity cards and tasked them to assist with maintaining law and order at the polling stations. This plan would be possible with the connivance of the Electoral Commission. The Electoral Commission would say they have not enough personnel then call on the National security to assist.

These thugs recruited from within the NDC faithful and dubiously conscripted into their supposed Special Forces would be at the polling stations only to serve the underhand interest of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). They will likely cause misunderstandings among voters then have the chance to inflict their pre-planned mayhem on the voters who may be NPP, NDP, PPP, PNC and or their opponents.

Yaw Boateng Gyan has implicated my own Kumawu fellowman, Dr. Kwabena Duffour (the Finance and Economic Planning Minister) in his party's diabolical acts to retain power. From the look of his message as contained on the recorded tape cassettes or whatever, Dr. Kwabena Duffour is aware and supports their actions by providing them with needed funds. I pray this is not the case but only the figment of Gyan's imagination. If it were true, then Dr. Duffour's credibility and integrity have evaporated into the thin air. As the mist is dissipated by the rising Sun, so will Dr. Duffour's integrity if indeed, he had done as Yaw Boateng Gyan asserts on the recorded tape.

Yaw Boateng Gyan claims he goes to the Finance Minister usually to get money for others for various reasons. One day?Dr. Duffour called his Finance Director in the presence of Yaw Boateng Gyan and said, "Have you forgotten about what we were discussing about Yaw Boateng Gyan?" He called Yaw and said, "As for you, you always come here talking about others. You have never talked about yourself. Today we are going to talk about you" Dr. Duffour then directed Yaw Boateng Gyan to submit a coached statement or document to enable the Finance Ministry grants him?some sort of unsolicited loan. We cannot tell if the money intended was a loan or not. However, bloody Yaw was going to use it to finance his mischief conceived about the innocent citizens of Ghana.

I will be shocked if it was true that Dr. Duffour was even unknowingly using State funds to sponsor NDC illegal acts. Anyway, I will suggest as following: The proper State security must arrest Yaw Boateng Gyan with immediate effect. They must identify, arrest and investigate all the accomplices. The Finance Minister must be questioned about an allegation of using State funds to sponsor certain NDC individuals or their acts. The leaders of the Pentecost Church must immediately investigate Yaw Boateng Gyan and demote him (remove him from his Eldership) accordingly.

I call on all discerning Ghanaians to vote out the NDC because they are full of callousness, corruption and shortsightedness.

I feel sleepy. Let me stop for the day. However, I shall come back stronger and more refreshed to deal with not only Yaw Boateng Gyan but also the entire NDC. Many a sensible Ghanaian spurns the criminal actions and intents of the NDC.

If indeed Yaw Boateng Gyan had planned evil towards Ghanaians, I say, may naked fire consume him.

Rockson Adofo