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Opinions of Friday, 13 September 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

May the Supreme Court Judges Bow Down Their Heads in Shame?

? ? ? ? Not long ago, Supreme Court Justice William Atuguba was behaving as though he was an altruist and a fearful demigod. He threatened to sting poisonously hard at anyone who malignly crosses the path of the Supreme Court or attacks his personality. As it stands now, his credibility has been eroded, washed completely away into the gutter the day he pronounced his gutter-like verdict on Election 2012 petition. ? ? He with his other eight Supreme Court judges had every opportunity to live above reproach by demonstrating their integrity. As dark-minded as some of them are, they chose lies, ignorance, partisanship and corruption above justice and the legal ethos. They have turned the Constitutional and electoral laws upside down or cast them into the dungeon just for the sake of availing themselves of gargantuan bribery from the evil powers in government, their traditional agents and assigns. ? ? The judges in the face of abundant credible evidence, in their majority, chose to flout the laws. Justice Atuguba upon all the flaunting of his newly found bravado, he was a coward only able to bite or sting Sir John, Hopeson Adorye and Sammy Awuku. After delivering his corrupt verdict, anticipating mayhem, he scuttled to the airport like a dog thrown into a fright, with its tail tucked in-between its legs, to enplane to the US. ? ? Rumours are rife that most of the judges including Justice Baffoe-Bonnie were induced with hefty sums of bribe to vote in favour of the respondents. In such a landmark case, Justice Akoto-Bamfo made a mockery of herself saying, electoral laws are immaterial if they have the potential to disturb the peace Ghana has been enjoying. Yes, she has been enjoying peace of corruption hence, her obligation to throw the law out of the window to cling tightly onto the peace that guarantees her selfish interests and pursuits but not that forgone justice that could have ensured jobs, prosperity and sound piece of mind to many a Ghanaian. ? ? Why have almost all of the Supreme Court judges that sat on Election 2012 petition left the country to come to the Whiteman’s land where justice and peace reign supreme, to holiday? If anyone of them did take any bribe from the government or whomever, to influence their decision of arrival at dismissal of the petition, then any such judge should suffer dire consequences unto death. ? ? I understand some noted traditional chief was the architect or the main conduit of the bribery that has turned God into a liar. God through his prophets and Kofi Basoah had disseminated messages portending victory for Nana Akufo Addo but the devil by night visited some people with the chief volunteering to become the devil’s chief emissary to prove God wrong. In collusion with his paymaster, he successfully executed his usual swindler’s tactics to bring misery and tears upon majority of Ghanaians while he, punching the air, might have said, " I have done it again, I have won". ? ? The judges that took bribe to decide the verdict in favour of President Mahama contrary to the laws, their conscience, the evidential documents and the truth, MUST be tormented by their own evil mindedness and deeds without ever knowing internal peace. May the money they accepted, favourable promises made to them, partisanship etc. that influenced their decision turn into their worst nightmare to haunt them forever. May the bribes if really any was taken, turn into sour fruits in their life. May guilty consciousness be their portion if indeed, they intentionally for a reason or the other, threw or wished away the credible evidence to maliciously decide the case in favour of the rather guilty party. Amen. ? ? ? Over to you, Oh noble DJ Sources of Sources radio UK. DJ, please do not spare the crooks in this case, hold them to account whatever their positions in Ghana are. I shall be wicked and it is too vulgar of me to ask you to squeeze their balls very hard until they all say, Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ? It’s not over until it’s over. When the going gets tough the tough get going. Quitters never win and winners never quit. This is my message to you. However, I shall gradually be exiting the political spectrum as promised previously. ? ? Rockson Adofo ?