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Opinions of Saturday, 6 January 2018

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

May this message reach President Nana Akufo-Addo

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo

Whoever reads the contents of this publication, if he or she is nearer to, and has the means to reach, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, must please convey the message herein to him. Conveying the message to him is one thing, and he doing as it is requested of him is another.

Be it known to President Nana Akufo-Addo that God reveals to redeem. However, his redemption comes on condition that one does obey and do exactly as God may instruct him to do.

I am publishing this message with seizure of fear; alarmed by the unfortunate prophetic revelations about him by various Ghanaian prophets. Yes, some of the prophets may be false but not all of them are. Yes, some of their prophesies may be false but not all the prophesies.

If a prophesy comes from a Man of God or a prophet noted for the accomplishments of his prophesies as revealed well in advance before they happen, do you take that person for a joke? I wouldn’t, if I were to be made aware of my fate by such a prophet who does not demand any payment in kind.

Let the President understand that he was appointed by God to rule Ghana. Let him also understand that temptations and accidents will come his way. God always paves way for His chosen servants of whom the President is one to escape from dooms wished on them by the evil ones.

God may reveal the problems and the solutions to the targeted people in their dreams. He may reveal someone’s impending doom to him or her through another person. And to whom He wills, He may prescribe a way out by asking to be told the person what to do and what not to do. It is only when one does as it will be instructed of him or her that the predicted happening can be avoided. Failure to do as told, the incident will occur only for those who had insight into the revelation to scratch their head and say, he or she was told but never believed it.

Death is although the ultimate fate of any human being, some deaths are premature and do not come from God but by the machinations of evil men and women. Such deaths can be avoided that is why in those situations, God makes revelations come along with instructions.

I understand that one Prophet Reindold Oduro Gyebi has made several prophetic revelations that many Ghanaians have confirmed to have come to pass. He predicted the Kintampo Waterfall incident. He predicted the Kotoko football team lorry accident among many others. Failing to abide by his redemptive instructions as ordered by God, the incidents did happen to the disbelief and anger of many a Ghana who heard about the prophesy and the would-have-been solution well ahead of their occurrence.

For my well established love for the President as concluded by those who read my copious publications, someone just phoned me today, Saturday 6 January 2018, to ask what am I doing to help the President evade the sorrowful fate waiting to befall him on 6 March 2018 as predicted by Prophet Reindolph Oduro Gyebi as could be seen from the underlying YouTube posting links and headlines?

I straightaway reached for my computer hence this publication.

His Excellency the President, you are now at the crossroads of your life same as faced by Julius Caesar but there can be a way out if and only if, you will listen to prophetic revelations and do as you are instructed to, especially, by those whose prophesies have, and do, come to pass.

'Beware the Ides of March' as it was the soothsayer's message to Julius Caesar, warning of his death. Spurinna, the seer, had warned that harm would come to Caesar no later than the Ides of March. “On his way to the Theatre of Pompey, where he would be assassinated, Caesar passed the seer and joked, "The Ides of March are come", implying that the prophecy had not been fulfilled, to which the seer replied "Aye, Caesar; but not gone." In the evening of the ides of March, Caesar was stabbed to death at a meeting of the Senate.

His Excellency President Nana Akufo-Addo has been warned of the impending doom on the 6 March 2018 by the Eagle Prophet in one of the cited YouTube links according to the person who alerted me to the sad and tearful fate awaiting the President.

If I were him, I would not attend the Independence Day celebrations on the 6th day of March 2018. There are not two lives where you can play with one as we funnily do say. There is only one life and if it goes, it goes forever to come back no more. Therefore, the President must be very careful. I shall advise that he secretly consults the Prophet to be pointed the way to avoid the doom happening if God had prescribed any solution at all.

Those plotting to kill him through sheer evilness will wish he does not see the prophet taking him for a false prophet. But had the prophesies of the prophet come to pass? If yes, why joke with this?

The President has noble intentions to redeem Ghanaians from the ravaging institutional corruption but many of the corrupt politicians within and outside his NPP Government and party do not appreciate his plans seen as come to cost them their easy way of acquiring money hence their evil means to eliminate him.

It will hurt me to see him dead without achieving what God has appointed him to do for Ghana.

Not long ago, someone from London who also successfully predicted his victory in Election 2016 went to Ghana to reveal some prophesy to him. Nevertheless, those nearer to the President never facilitated the man’s wish. The man left without being allowed to see him.

Could those very close to him not the same very ones seeking his death hence preventing genuine prophets from interacting with him on missions ordained by God?

What is his wife doing? Is she only interested in being the First Lady for only a few months or years? His wife and children are to protect him rather than simply enjoying the limelight of being the First Lady or the children of the President.

I will always help escalate messages to the President. How I wish I could convey such personal matters to him in private but however it gets to him is very much appreciated by me and by God.

No weapons formed against him shall prosper but on condition that he does as he will be instructed by God through His genuine prophets.

I entreat all able and willing Ghanaians to go on their knees before God to pray to avert the doom prepared by the enemies for President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, my modern day biblical Joseph, Moses or David.

Shall God greatly bless whoever brings this message to the attention of the President? Shall God touch the heart of the President to do exactly as he is advised in this publication?

Finally, he should be wary of what he eats and from where he eats. He should be careful of what he drinks and who offers him such drinks. He should be careful of where he sits and what he sits on when he is invited by some Ghanaians. Should he take my advice, all shall be well with him in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Amen.