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Opinions of Sunday, 17 July 2022

Columnist: Isaac Asare Poku

Meet Pi

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Pi (π) is a numerical constant that appears in many formulas across mathematics and physics. But what does it mean? This question hovered through my mind when I was first taught its usage in calculating the circumference and area of a circle at the Junior High level. Whenever I thought about it, the only thing that popped into my head was meat pie.

Even though a teacher one time tried to explain what π means, I never grasped it. Yet, in all my maths exams, I confidently invited it whenever I came across a question that demanded it. Trust me, π never disappointed me. Imagine what would have happened if I aborted its usage because I didn't understand it.

Apart from π, another puzzling reliable constant I've always run to is the God constant. Ever since I met this divine constant, he has never failed me. However, he is "some way;" I mean he can be very confusing! He continues to be a mystery to those who even claim to know him.

Consider what he did to Moses. When Moses sensed in his spirit a mission to help the Israelites, God was apparently silent. He didn't come to Moses' aid when he killed an Egyptian who bullied an Israelite. Consequently, Moses had to hide from Pharaoh's wrath in an arid land for 40 years. Still, God was ostensibly silent.

It was after these lonesome years that God revealed himself to Moses. When he did, he sent Moses to return to Egypt to liberate his people. Why didn't God empower Moses to do that 40 years ago? Why now? God managed to convince Moses by giving him miraculous signs as proof. Moses reluctantly went when God squashed his excuses.

Annoyingly, Moses' plea for the Israelites caused Pharaoh to escalate Israel's harsh labour. Herein, the Israelites blamed Moses. Moses was utterly disheartened and sought answers from God. God only admonished him to wait and see what he would do. Fast forward, God unfolded 10 sequential plagues that showed Moses, Israel, Egypt and the entire world his glory.

Finally, Pharaoh ordered the Israelites to go, but not without an afterthought wild chase when they got to the bank of the red sea. Lo, his terminal defeat here was more terrific (Ex. 1-13). Even though God was with Moses and the Israelites throughout their journey, it wasn't all smooth. Yet, his glory was striking and glaring. After Moses appreciated God's plan and act, he exclaimed, "Who is like unto thee?" (Ex. 15:11)

Are you disappointed in God? Give him some time and wait upon him because his ways can be complex and confounding. If you wait on him, he shall renew your strength. You will soar on wings like an eagle; you will run and not grow weary, you will walk and not be faint.
(Isaiah 40:31) Although it may tarry, it'll surely come to pass.

I may forget many mathematical symbols but not my knotty π. More than that, I'll never forget my God constant. Although he sometimes confuses me with his tortuous schemes, he makes all things beautiful in his time.