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Opinions of Friday, 24 December 2010

Columnist: Amponsah, Jerry

Merry Christmas & “Active” New Year!

Christmas is the season of kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the
genial flame of charity in the heart.

From home to home, political party to political party and from one place to the
other, the warmth and joy of Christmas, brings us closer to one another.
2010 has truly been a bittersweet.

The significance of Christmas is known all over the world. Though it is true
that Christmas is celebrated as the day of the birth of Christ into this world,
it symbolizes a very deeply significant truth of the spiritual life. Jesus
Christ was born into a world that was riddled with problems: religious, social,
political and otherwise. In the midst of these conditions, Christ was born to
humble beginnings and gave a new and a spiritual turn to the lives of men.
Today, we can learn from His humble beginnings; that we too can rise above the
challenges and limitations that confront us in our lives, if we truly accept
and, in turn generate peace and love.
This Christmas season finds our nation in an interesting time encumbered by the
challenges brought on: the Black Stars painful World Cup defeat, foot-soldiers
hooliganisms armed robberies and other crimes and above all, the government
inaction yet its hunger for incessant loans.
If the NDC government really wants our country to be “merry” this Christmas,
they should distribute money equivalent to the sum they spent for the promotion
of the 39-pages green book of the 50 achievements. After all, the money, after
all, is for the people, isn’t it? It should not be used to promote and
perpetuate self-aggrandizement.

It is true that among other natural resources God endowed us with oil. Before
James of the Royal Company of Adventurers landed on the shores of Accra in the
late seventeenth century, there was great deposit of oil on the shores of Ghana.
But our highly ‘religious’ President Atta Mills in the spirit of the gospel will
agree with me that, the Almighty God reveal the commercial quantities of the oil
through his anointed son, ex-President J. A. Kufour.
We pray that the oil, our nation’s golden dream, will not make our men awake to
How can there be laughter, how can there be pleasure, when majority of the
country is hungry? We hope that the strongly declared “Action Year’s” goals will
unconditionally transform our country from a “third world status” to a better
Let us, therefore, make this Christmas not only a time to celebrate with our
families and friends, but also a time to share with the less fortunate
individuals in our communities.
Let us make this Christmas a time to give thanks to the Heavenly Father for
where he has brought us irrespective of our religious beliefs and party
Wishing all good people of Ghana both home and abroad, a Merry Christmas and an
“Active” New Year!
God Bless Us, Every One!

Jerry Amponsah (Sabbato)
Communications’ Group
NPP, New York