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Opinions of Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Merry Christmas to President-elect Nana Akufo Addo

It is only appropriate to wish Nana Akufo Addo, the most
> incorruptible but sadly equally the most maliciously
> maltreated or mocked politician in the annals of Ghana’s
> politics, a meritorious seasonal greetings at this time of
> the year.
> His enemies and the enemies of Ghana plotted, colluded and
> desired to see his defeat at every election to permanently
> deny him the ascension to Ghana’s presidency. However, as
> man proposes, God disposes.
> All the evil plans and intents by his political rivals have
> been made nonsense by the Good Almighty God that he
> continually trusts in and surrounds himself and his
> political career wholeheartedly.
> It is therefore imperative upon me to wish him not only a
> Merry Christmas but also, a Successful New Year with the
> wisdom of biblical King Solomon, the fear and love of God of
> King David and the longevity of Methuselah.
> The incoming President must still let the Good God that he
> worships and believes in to guide him throughout his
> presidency. He has to be firm, fair and friendly. He should
> let the law which is no respecter of persons take its due
> course without interfering with it with the aim of twisting
> it in favour of whomever as seen to be done by the
> outing-President Mahama and his NDC-led government hence the
> practice of selective justice becoming the order of the day
> in Ghana.
> Finally, be it reiterated to President-elect Nana Akufo Addo
> to beware of 7 January 2017. He is not to be HUGGED by
> anyone be they his wife, foreign or local dignitaries,
> former or outgoing Presidents. NOBOBY means no person.
> When one visits a blacksmith’s workshop and finds him
> repeatedly hammering at a particular section of his
> metalwork, it is that portion that matters most to him, so a
> saying goes. This is the third time I have put out a
> publication advising Nana Akufo Addo to beware of 7 January
> 2017 in the same manner that Julius Caesar was warned to
> beware of the ides (15th) of March but which he did ignore
> and subsequently met his untimely death at the hands of
> friends whom he trusted hence turning to Brutus to say,
> “Et tu Brute?” Was Brutus not his best friend but in the
> end becoming one of his assassins?
> I extend my warmest Christmas greetings to President-elect
> Nana Akufo Addo, his entire family and all NPP faithful and
> Ghanaians.
> Rockson Adofo
> (Written on 26 December 2016)