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Opinions of Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Columnist: Nuamah, Abdul Samiu

Mills Fools Muslims

The current situation in which John Atta Mills (JAM) and his NDC has decided to turn the seat of Government into a prayer Camp or church is an indictment on the Muslim population of our dear Nation. During the campaign we were made to believe how well Atta Mills respect and love Muslims and all other religions, to that end Ghanaian Muslims voted for this man and his NDC massively. Now we have been fooled by the direction JAM want to take Ghana. It is clear from his own utterances that he intends to turn Ghana into a Christian country by saying that he will make Ghana a prayer camp when he was visited by group of Christians. Is that the way to pay us back by voting for you even when you refused to take a Muslim as your running mate?

It is amazing how the learned Professor has conveniently forgotten the very dictates of our constitution, which clearly stipulates that Ghana is a circular state and not a Christian state as he would like us to believe. Atta Mills upon assuming the reigns of power had to go running for one Nigerian Pastor whom JAM believes made him won the elections and as such paid him a courtesy visit. This is an insult and gross disrespect to the numerous and prominent pastors and Imams who prayed for the victory of this man and the peace Ghanaians are enjoying. None of these great men of God has been visited by JAM but he had the audacity to go to Nigeria. This so called pastor has been inundating the seat of government with spiritual concoctions and dictating to the learned professor as to who to appoint as Minister, DCE, etc. Nigerians all over the World are very good in 419 and occultism and so JAM should be careful not to obliviously sell or curse our motherland Ghana. JAM is now on a spiritual adventure to free himself of the frogs and cockroaches he had swallowed to get himself blinded. We are not against JAM turning to God after all these years of diabolical deals with his boss J.J, what we are against is the way and manner he is going about it. There are prominent pastors and Imams in Ghana who are spiritually gifted to free him of his ordeals. If JAM has got nothing to hide why does he turn to somebody from Nigeria to free him from the spell hanging over his head.

The Muslim community in all parts of Ghana will fight this man for the blatant segregation of our dear Nation, the Muslim representation in the JAM’s government is already very negligible and for the past 8 years in our chequered political history a Muslim has been the Vice President. I thought the NPP was not very friendly with Muslims, but alas, the NDC have proven me wrong. Kufuor as a devote Christian never turned our seat of Government into a prayer camp (Christian Camp) and never made any attempt to change Ghana into a Christian country. He worked with all calibre of persons devoid of creed, race, tribe or religion.

I understand that the political camp that the professor finds himself is diabolically rooted and as such he would need protection from the Almighty God, however, it should not be at the detriment of peace and stability Ghana is enjoying, and it should also not derail the love that exist among all religious bodies in Ghana.

Atta Mills and his NDC cronies must think carefully about the way and manner they are treating Muslims and desperately trying to make Ghana a Christian State. I am of the view that the Nigerian Pastor who now runs our dear Nation be sent away with immediate effect while we battle with Atta mills with his utter disrespect for Muslims and the Christian community in Ghana. Already, Muslims have no say in his government, something we have enjoyed for the past 8 years. These practices and utterances from JAM are clearly seen as an attack and marginalisation on the Muslim community. I therefore urge all Muslims in Ghana to stand against this alienation from John Atta Mills and his cronies before we are told to leave Ghana because we are not Ghanaians.

Abdul Samiu Nuamah Cranfield University Cranfield - UK 0044-7940-782-062 [email protected]