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Opinions of Monday, 16 January 2012

Columnist: Yawose, John

Mills/NDC Cheating, Forgery, Fraudulent And Deceiving Records

NDC/Mills CHEATING, FRAUDULENT and DECEIVING records in 2011 are
shocking!!!The instances are many and bizarre ;

a. President ‘I’m not
dead’ Mills was accused of having received a mansion gift from a developer,
REGIMANUEL. Koku Anyidoho, talking to the press admitted that it was a token
mansion gift from REGIMANUEL. Few days later, the President Office released
letters between the Presidency and REGIMANUEL seeking to regularise the
transaction and remove the ‘gift’ concept from the minds of the people.
Critical observations revealed that the President’s letter was signed on a date
the President was on a campaign trail in Brong Ahafo region. At the same time,
the date the MD of REGIMANUEL was alleged to have signed his letters, he was
outside the country. These were not letters on an emergency issue and it was
difficult not to conclude that the letters were manufactured or forged to hide
the facts about Mills’ token REGIMANUEL mansion. Is this letter forging?

b. Joe Gidisu, Minister of Roads and highways forged
Ghana Highways official letters to cover the $190,000 bribe car he took from
the Chinese Contractor working on the Achimota to Apenkwa road. He is a greedy bastard

c. Alfred Thief Woyome
forged letters and misrepresented the issues to obtain false judgement debt of
$42m. He is a fraudster.

d. NDC are forging
letters and documents on their Adabraka Headquarters, Oyibi and Oyarifa lands.
They are deceivers. Observers know that NDC at first, tried to get Woyome to claim
ownership of the facilities: then at that material time, the lid on the infamous
Woyomegate blew and the scheme was
frustrated. They are still looking for ways to cover their gargantuan deals.

e. President ‘ I fear
the Ashantis’ Mills and his cohorts forged old photos to prove that he was in
USA to meet investors in 2011 yuletide. In the photograph they published in the
Daily Graphic to confirm the meeting in New York between President ‘I fear the
Ashantis’ Mills and the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon, Mills was wearing
same the suit, shirt and tie and Moon was also wearing the same suit, shirt and
tie when they met in Accra in May 2010 during the Ivory Coast crisis.
How funny! How ridiculous! To think about the coincidence that
Mills and Moon must be wearing the same suits, shirts and ties at separate
meetings in Accra and New York at different times. Mills/NDC forgery schemes at
work indeed.

f. In the same way they
forged old stories and pictures about $18m loan obtained in September 2011 to
let it appear Mills rather succeeded to get the loan in December 2011 yuletide to
give some meaning to his mysterious holiday run-around in America.

g. NDC/Mills together
with the Auditor General are now forging documents on the Woyome brazen fraud
involving several million cedis of the tax payers .
When Woyomegate first broke out in December 2011, courtesy Hon
Ken Agyapong, Woyome was accused of defrauding the Government of Ghana and had
wrongly been paid 58m cedis in 2010. WOYOME HIMSELF ADMITTED RECEIVING THE AMOUNT
supporters, including Achina Brentuo and Alex Segbefia launched spirited
but fruitless counter arguments in the papers, radio and television to prove Woyome was
entitled to the huge payments of ¢58m. Brentuo even sent the
documents to EOCO and requested for investigations rather into Kufuor
government who he claimed caused the liability.
The heat on the scandal has clearly become too much for
Mills/NDC to bear.
So NDC/Mills together with the Auditor General have started implementing the
dangerous irregularity of forging
documents to show the Fraudster Woyome was not actually paid ¢58m in 2010
but rather was paid ¢17m — in the
face of the fact that Woyome himself has admitted receiving ¢58m. Indications
are that, they are also engaged in schemes to cover up other payments including
the 2011 additional payments of ¢37m still to Woyome.
Somebody must tell Mills, NDC, the Auditor General ,Government Officials, EOCO ,Bank
Officials etc who are engaging themselves in this grave impropriety and forgery,
to cover up the gargantuan Woyome unprecedented deal that, they will all fall into
historical, political, social and legal ditches sooner or later. A word to the
wise is enough!!!!

Posterity will however, honour the current Minister of Justice, Hon. Martin Amidu
for his principled stand. More grease to your elbows, Martin. You have not disgraced
Christianity and Christianity will never disgrace you.

However, Verily, verily I say unto
you --- NDC/Mills CHEATING, FRAUDULENT, FORGERY and DECEIVING records in 2011 are
shockingand that these vicious and demonic Mills/NDC gangsters will be confronted
with the wrath of GOD, the
people and justice - come 2012 and beyond

John Yawose