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Opinions of Monday, 10 May 2010

Columnist: Sarpong, Justice

Mills, Pampering And Rewarding Criminals.

Sarpong, Justice

The Presidency has not been friendly to Professor Mills not because the job is too herculean for a man with a PHd degree but he is not stoic enough to extricate himself from quagmires that keeps cropping up in his administration. He succumb to pressure very easily and this might be due to poor health.

The diplomatic and right way of achieving the policies laid out by this administration have gone to the dogs and the only way one can be heard and responded to is to do things illegitimately or threaten this President with ultimatums or demonstration.

About three weeks ago, the chairman of National Democratic Congress(NDC) in the Asuogyaman Constituency of the Eastern region, Love Joy Dusi, together with some of his executive members and NDC youth in the area,took over the toll booths at the popular Adomi Bridge at Atimpoku in a military fashion. The rationale behind this illegal act of forcing the workers of the Highway Authority who are enthrusted to collect tolls from drivers was that, these workers were not NDC sycophants and therefore were not serving the interest of the Party and as such, they must be relieved of their jobs and be replaced by NDC supporters. Below is the slant Lovejoy Dusi used as an excuse in his Don Quixotic stupidity in explaining this moronic endevour.

"When DAILY GUIDE spoke to the constituency chairman, he said it was the district assembly which was taking over the running of the toll booths and as the chairman of the sub-committee on finance and administration at the assembly, he organized about 20 men from his party to take over. “We did not use any force. We just told the operators to leave the place because they are thieves and cannot be trusted,” According to him, the people working there were causing serious financial loss to the NDC government and needed to be booted out. “Monies being collected here are going into private pockets and we will not sit down to allow this to continue. The bridge is weak and the NDC government needs money to rehabilitate it so we are taking over to manage it properly”.

Fellow Ghanaians, I don't think this is what the populace voted for. Now one cannot have a job unless he or she has an NDC membership card. Professor Mills promised to be the father to all Ghanaians but we've been deceived by his "ASOMDWEHENE" moniker and now he is showing his 'snake under grass' character to the whole world. When Lovejoy Dusi and his 20 NDC foot soldiers who are part-time armed robbers seized Adomi Bridge toll booth and chased away the workers with matchetes, we were expecting the Police to do their civic duty by arresting these NDC thugs and the Police Commander in charge of Asuogyaman district was incensed enough, he promised to do just that.

'Fellow countrymen, lend me your ears'. These twenty NDC so called foot soldiers who prospect in armed robbery at night and are counted as part of beaver teeth Ablakwa Okudzeto 1.6 million people employed since NDC came to power are now 'legitimately' employed. They are now manning the popular Adomi bridge at Atimpoku.

On sunday 25th April, 2010, Lovejoy Dusi thugs were constituted as a Task force and were commissioned to oversee the activities of collecting tolls at the Adomi Bridge. These criminals have been rewarded and appointed as the official care-takers of the booths.This is what I call job creation. You throw legitimate well qualified employees to the street and let your illiterate armed robbing Party foot soldiers to line their pockets with state money and it is called job creation, NDC style. Folks, we need to pray hard for 2012 to come and boot these armed robbers from office before they dismantle the country beyond repairs.

The Divisional Police Commander, ASP Issah Mohammed Cantona who thought he was doing his job by arresting these miscreants initially was forced to release these criminals on bail and before they can be process through the court system, the powers that be rewarded them with the jobs they were craving for and the Patriotic Policeman who did his job has been called to Accra for future transfer. We tend to blame the Police for poor service but look at what is happening to ASP Cantona who is doing his job by the book. The Politicians have politicized the Police service any Policeman who wants to do his job the way it should be done becomes a pariah in the service or more likely to lose his job.

Let's perpend on what is going on in Ghana under this administration and for the purpose of eristicity assume that Mills is not in the loop in this particular instance, are the people who he appointed serving him well? This administration has taken temporization into another level because of the obtuse Presidential Assistants surrounding the meek President Atta Mills.

Now if you are an unemployed Ghanaian with an NDC Party card, all what you have to do is target a job you want and get your friends with matchetes and other weapons and just drive those occupying that positions away and just start working, no application or interview to discern whether you are qualified is not necessary. I hope the NDCians will not cry me a river when the tide turns against them in 2012 and these armed robbers masquerading as toll booth collectors are chased away and the legitimate employees get their jobs back.


Justice Sarpong

Houston, Texas