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Opinions of Thursday, 26 January 2012

Columnist: Boasiako, Peter Antwi

Mills Sacks 19 Team-B Ministers in 3-years.

Many analysts and critiques in Ghana have questioned the possible criteria and standard used by His Excellency the President of Ghana, John Evans Atta Mills in choosing his gov’t ministers, DCEs and board of directors, resulting to this embarrassing gov’t performance and high turnover of gov’t appointees.
So far, as it can be recalled, 19 Ministers of state including their deputies have been dismissed, and more than 35 High Ranking Appointees including DCEs, MCEs and Directors have also been sacked, with many of them accused of corruption and other serious crimes committed against the people of Ghana which are incompatible with acceptable standards expected of Ministers of state and Gov’t Appointees, but none of these officials has been apprehended, prosecuted or asked to face the law.
Some Senior Analysts have said “It is not enough for the President to only relieve people from their post, especially when they’re fired because of fraudulent acts, corruption allegations or causing a willful lost to the nation”. Others have also questioned the competency and proficiency of the President who made the selections for all these people listed below, just for them to be sacked within this short period (3-yrs). “Have they been fired recklessly or due diligence have been followed, although, the Ghana constitution gives the President ultimate right to hire and fire as he wishes, but at least, common sense should always be the watch word when selecting and firing people.
1. Alhaji Mubarak Muntaka, the Indiscretion Minister for Youth and sport was sacked due to misappropriation of tax payer’s money with his girl friend, chopping chinchinkah and buying Pampas (diapers).

2. Mr. Stephen S. Nanyina, Northern Regional Minister was sack as a result of financial misappropriation.

3. ALBERT ABONGO, Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing was sacked when it was alleged that the 12-member government delegation that signed the STX housing deal on behalf of the country in 2009 were bribed with US$2,600 by the STX Korean company.

4. Dr. George Sipa-Adjah Yankey, Minister of Health was sacked for their alleged involvement in the Mabey and Johnson scandal.

5. Mr. Mahmood Khalid - Upper West Regional Minister was sacked as a result of corruption allegations and some protracted disagreements with the Upper West Regional Executives of the NDC.

6. Mr. Seidu Amadu, Minister of State at the Presidency was sacked for their alleged involvement in the Mabey and Johnson scandal.

7. Mr. Moses Asaga, The Minister-designated for Water Resources, Works and Housing, had his nomination withdrawn even before appearing for vetting following his involvement in the ex-gratia controversy without the consent of the presidency when he was asked to take temporary responsibility of the Ministry of Finance.

8. Kofi Opoku Manu, Ashanti Regional Minister was dismissed as a result of his irresponsible remarks against the NPP, urging the supporters of the ruling party NDC not to hesitate to deliver resounding slaps to their political opponents who taunt them.

9. Cletus Apul Avoka, Minister for Interior and MP for Zebilla was removed after The New Patriotic Party (NPP) called on President J.E.A. Mills to re-assign Mr. Avoka from the Ministry of the Interior and National Security, in the interest of the nation as far Bawku crises was concerned.

10. Abdul Rashid Pelpuo, Minister for Youth and Sports, was unjustifiably fired and was replaced by Akua Sena Dansua.

11. Dr. Kwabena Donkor, former Deputy Energy Minister was sacked due to serious corruption allegation at TOR and the high level incompetency displayed.

12. The Bonking ambassador, Mr. Samuel Kofi Dadey, the Ghana’s Ambassador to Brazil was sacked for bonking his Nigerian secretary, a married woman four-rounds-four-times, according to the lady.

13. Abdul Rashid Pelpuo, former Minister for Youth and Sports, was unjustifiably sacked and replaced by Akua Sena Dansua.

14. Mrs. Zita Okai Quaye – Minister for Information and the Tourism minister was sacked as a result of incompetency, inexperience and chosen to give birth in USA.

15. Mr. Tetteh Enyoh, Minister for Education, was sacked out of incompetency and inability to resolve the strike embarked on by the university lecturers.

16. Gideon Quarcoo, Deputy Minister for Communication, a victim of foot-soldiers’ agitation.

17. Betty Bosomtwe-Sam, Deputy Minister for Western Region, another victim of foot-soldiers’ agitation

18. Mr. Martin Amidu was relieved from his post as Attorney-General and Minister of Justice by Prez JEA Mills due to his behaviour described as incompatible with acceptable standards expected of Ministers and Appointees of President Mills whilst fighting to recover fraudulent money paid to Alfred Agbesi Woyome.

19. Betty Mould-Iddrisu, The former Attorney-General and Minister for Education, sacked from government over her handling of the payment of over GH¢58 million to the businessman and financier of the ruling party, Alfred Woyome, whilst she was the Attorney General.
Other High Ranking Appointees Sacked within three years.
1. The almighty Carl-Wilson, former chairman of the Confiscated Vehicles and Assets Committee (CVAC), was sacked for corruption, impunity and stealing cars at Tema Port / Harbour, cars belonging to innocent Ghanaian.

2. Dr. Ampofo, Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) boss was sacked for incompetency and corruption.

3. In Dec 2011, Anthony Gyampo, Managing Director of the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) fired. Reason unknown till date.

4. Dr sekou Nkrumah – National Youth coordinator was sacked as a result of his level of incompetence and non-performance found to be serious, and moreover, as he was quoted in Africawatch Magazine to have said that “President Mills lacks Vision, charisma, dynamism, strong-mind and clear direction for the country.

5. In December 2011, Prez Mills Dissolved Electricity Company Ghana (ECG) Board, appointed new board. Reason unknown till date.

6. Nee Agiri Barnor, Acting Director of the Information Services Department (ISD), was sacked following (¢1.69billion) GH¢169,000.00 hampers’ scandal involving Presidential Aide Stanlislav Xoese Dogbe.

7. Ms. Elizabeth Adjei - Director of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS), the first woman to head the Internal Security Organisation was mysteriously sacked, reason unknown till now.

8. Afrifa Yamoah Ponko, Ashanti Regional Manager of the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS) was asked to “proceed on a very long leave” for allegedly involved in an office sex (bonking office girls) scandal.

9. In January 2011, President John Mills dismissed 13 - DCE/MCEs in a day across the country. The M/DCEs were in the Ashanti, Central, Eastern and Brong Ahafo regions. Eastern Region tops the list with five dismissals. The Reasons for the dismissal still unknown.

10. In March 2011, Prez John Atta Mills dismissed five Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs). The casualties included the MCE of the Secondi/Takoradi, Mr. Kobina Pra Annan and the MCE of the Hohoe Municipal Assembly, Mr. Victor Herman Condobrey. The others were Mr. Joseph Jone Amoah - Ahanta West District Assembly, Mr. Moses Kofi Armah – Bibiani/Anhwiaso/Bekwai District Assembly and Mr. Victor Nyianyi Kablan of the Jomoro District Assembly.
Fellow Ghanaians; it is evidently clear that Prez Mills has not been fit for any purpose to be given a second chance as a president of Ghana. The NDC gov’t has really disappointed the people of Ghana and we all need to continue scrutinizing and interrogate penetratingly, every single promise by Prez Mills, before and now, and his recent utterances on Woyomegate saga, his lack of alacrity to fight corruption and the huge loans contracted with no national interventional program introduced, just to help you make the right choice on December 7th general elections.

Peter Antwi Boasiako
London – [email protected]