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Opinions of Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

Mills You Are A Liar

By Kwadwo Poku

Whenever I write about Mills, I try so hard to refrain from using strong language although we are diametrically opposed to each other philosophically and politically. But there comes a time when one feels he or she has been taken for a fool, and will have to respond without the mince of words. On his second arrival from the states in recent weeks, President Mills looked at Ghanaians in the eyes and lied through his teeth concerning his trip.

After spending nearly five weeks in Canada and New York in the months of Nov/ Dec by justifying it as a well deserved leave couple with the fact that about half a million dollars was spent on the trip by impoverished Ghanaians, Mills claims he had to sacrifice the holiday season and return to the states on Christmas eve to accomplish some assignments on behalf of Ghanaians.

He said "In the U.S, 26th Dec. is not a holiday. It is rather 25th, so I used those days which everybody agrees that the Christmas week is slow in Ghana unlike the U.S to accomplish all the assignments I had in mind". What a risible statement. Folks, I live here in the States and what you just read from the Mills Quote is a lie.

25th Dec fell on a sunday, making Mon. 26th the observed national holiday, which meant the markets were closed. Those familiar with the business community in the US knows when the markets are closed on holidays not even the Asomdwie hene could do business. One other thing of great import is that major corporations shut their doors from Dec. 24th through Jan 3rd. So if Mills mission is to be believed, then it beggars to be questioned with whom did he accomplish his assignments since 26th was a holiday and major corporations shut their doors from Christmas eve to Jan 3rd?

Besides what I just pointed out, common sense dictates that Mills mission was a lie. Let's assume when he came to NY on leave for over four weeks, he initiated business deals on behalf of the nation and was to seal the deals on future dates. Why will the deals be schedule on the most coveted holiday season? Wouldn't there be a consensus on both deal makers to schedule on different days apart from the holiday season?

President Mills let me tell you something, the mere fact that political illiteracy abounds in our nation, doesn't mean we are all gullible and stupid. Some of us are astute and will not let you get away with lies. Tell the nation what you really came to do in the States and stop this subterfuge.

Kwadwo Poku N Y