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Opinions of Sunday, 19 September 2010

Columnist: Antwi, Peter

Mills is suffering from Inferiority Complex

Mills is suffering from Inferiority Complex - Nii Lantey Confirmed.

It’s been proven that the development of every country is directly linked with the confidence level of the people in the country, the public confidence in the country is normally inspired by the confidence level of the leader and the image of his government, this image also have a direct link to the investors’ confidence level across the globe.
Unfortunately, the lack of self-esteem, the intense feeling of inferiority and the lack of self-confidence portrayed by the president of Ghana – Prof Mills and his incompetent ministers is becoming too irksome and it’s likely to destroy the very future of Ghana.
The recent admission of how inferior President Mills feels was deeply expressed in the drama unfolded at this year's Oguaa Fetu Afahye when the New Patriotic Party (NPP) Flag-bearer Nana Akufo-Addo was prevented from greeting the chiefs on the dais.
This inferior president was confirmed by Nii Lantey Vanderpuije, Aide to President Mills, when he said “he did nothing wrong in preventing the NPP flag-bearer and his entourage from greeting the chiefs at the Fetu Afahye festival of the chiefs and people of Cape Coast on 4th September 2010”.
By way of explaining his boss’s inferiority, Nii Lantey Vanderpuije said “Professor Mills is the only President in Ghana; we have vowed to resist anybody who tries to overshadow him in public just like what Nana Akufo-Addo wanted to do at the festival grounds”. “You see, Nana Addo was not the only political leader there. Kofi Wayo was there. Kofi Wayo came; he was ushered straight to his seat, nobody was supposed to go round to acknowledge cheers from the public”.
I believe the question readers will ask is ‘what future has Ghana if the President of Ghana can only be compared with such a non-compos-mentis person like Kofi Wayo as a political leader?
Now, for President Mills to also invigorate his complex, he was also reported to have ignored Nana Addo when he was greeting the people. “That He refused even to mention Nana’s name when reading his speech”.
As we can all recalled, on 22 March 2009 when Mills’ anger booms in the media, during a meeting with executive members of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA) and some senior journalists, the President minced no words when he told the country that there is only one president in the country and that is him. That was a typical expression of an inferiority complex by the president.
In fact, this strong anger expressed by Mills was emanated from the Monday, 16 March 2009 when the flag-bearer of the opposition party for 2008 and his wife, Rebecca Akufo-Addo, arrived from a tour of Europe and the United States at the Kotoka International Airport in Accra, that a mammoth crowd of NPP supporters as well as top-shots of the party invaded the arrival lounge to welcome them.
Mills got exasperated just because a crowd followed Nana Addo all the way from the airport to the Nima residence of his late father where they made merry and danced to loud party music, therefore he was angry. What an expression of inferiority complex.
Unquestionably, President Mills’ one year’s expression of “I'm Proud To Captain Team B”, has had a serious detrimental effect on whole nation as Ghana’s sovereign rating was reduced from B+ to B, by Standard & Poor’s, placing Ghana on par with Kenya, Sri Lanka and Bolivia, (Team ‘B’ group).
The recent disappointing 68% negative rating of President Mills’ administration, posted by an internationally acclaimed independent media monitoring research and poll agency - Centre for Media Analysis (CMA) has become a worrying news for many concerned Ghanaians both home and abroad.
Of late, it’s like no week elapses without a major political faux pas or negative rating internationally about Ghana, the latest being Derrick Adjei’s insults on members of parliament, Dr Kwabena Adjei’s saga – ‘we’ll kill the judges like cats, Asiedu Nketiah’s - go and burn the sea if we kill the cats and you don’t agree saga, Tony Aidoo’s - any Christian that speaks tongues is mad etc, also the recent ratings, the Ghana Not Conducive For Business seen in Investment Climate Survey by the World Economic Forum, the Ghanaian Businesses Less Confident in Economy by the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Bank of Ghana, the World's Worst Economies - Ghana is 9th by Forbes etc.

Frankly, Professor Fiifi John Evan Atta Mills’ government is turning out to be the most Useless and Hopeless government in the history of Ghana, and I know Ghanaians will never forgive Mills for ruining the country.

Peter Antwi
[email protected]
Romford - London