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Opinions of Friday, 27 July 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Mills' passing exposes Ghanaian charlatan Alhajis and Prophets

We are presently mourning the passing of the late President John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills. Currently, custom and tradition debar us from apportioning blames for his death. When the dust settles, that is, after his burial and funeral, many are those to blame for his sudden death. Until that time, I beg to sidestep tradition to discuss the charlatanry of some Ghanaian Alhajis and prophets who stand exposed as rented politicians cloaked in religious robes.

There was one evening when I tuned in to Sources radio UK, FM 96.30 that DJ Sources had linked up with Hot FM 93.3, Accra. One supposed renowned Accra or Kumasi based Alhaji was on air predicting the results of the December 7, 2012 presidential elections. He averred President Mills would win the election according as revealed to him by the God that he, the Alhaji, worships. He was ready to put his neck on the block for President Mills' re-election. He asserted President Mills is humble, peaceful, God-fearing; a person after the heart of God. He went on to allege that Nana Akuffo-Addo is all the opposite of the good that Atta Mills represents hence God choosing Atta Mills over him. He said many things same believing they were revelations from God.

There was another day when a self-acclaimed prophet came on air to assert President Mills was going to have a hands-down victory at the December 7, 2012 presidential elections. He said his claim was a revelation from God. It will be pointless repeating or quoting the bible verses this prophet referred to in attempt to prove the veracity of the revelation of President Mills standing to be re-elected.

Little did these two quack men of God knew President Mills would not even live till December 7, 2012 let alone winning the election. Did God not reveal to them that President Mills was going to kick the bucket long before the election? The Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent God would never give them such revelations when He knew his servant Mills would be dead before the elections.

Now that President Mills is dead, I love to see that Alhaji and the prophet back on air to explain what they really meant by their assertions made in absolute confidence. What has gone wrong with their supposed God-revealed results?

I believe they are two rented individuals to do the NDC's dirty work for them. They are merely paid NDC agents to throw dust into people's eyes by lying throw their teeth. God will never give them that message when He knew it would not happen. For greediness and the quest for riches and fame, some pastors, prophets and Alhajis have turned opinion pollsters. All those men of God concocting falsehoods for the sake of money as it was in the case of the two disgraced persons under discussion, please refrain from such dismal behaviours.

I pray they bury their heads in shame. If they had predicted correctly without giving anyone false hope and assurances, President Mills would not have stretched himself to the elasticity point.

I pray God keeps the late President Mills in His bosom in perpetuity.

Rockson Adofo