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Opinions of Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Columnist: Ansobie, Biliguo bie

More Gargantuan Crimes: Bagbin & Others

Literature played a very vital role in the class struggle of the 1960s in America. The black voice rose against years of mental, physical and economic subjugation by Whites. Wole Soyinka and LeRoy Jones were at the forefront; no wonder the duo bore a lot of similarities. They were revolutionaries that were determined to break the status quo. These iconoclasts had self-determination against domination of whatever we proposed.

It is therefore not strange that as an allied I threatened unseating the ruling National Democratic Congress government with words and biro. I pledged to exude this phenomenon in lyrical ballads in an earlier net-based publication dubbed The Battle of the Titans II—quite implicitly. I solicited a challenge but unfortunately no one coughed. I have already cautioned the foolhardy government and it is still slumbering on the edges of a palisade. I have since that publication divorced the un-listening government.

The indications seem clear as we draw near the polls even though they claim economic stability is the best so far (our oil money, not better management!) Synovate researchers are already telling us the opinion of the masses. Jerry Rawlings gobs out Mills inaction is making Nana Addo the most popular politician, Kofi Amoabeng agrees Ghana is on the path of backwardation. The prevailing Woyome's controversial colossal sum and its seminal effects are all indications of negligence of the tax man's administration.

To boil down to some specifics, Professor Nii Out Nartey has vented his spleen on the Health Minister for proposing the dissolution of the board of Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, the main referral facility in Ghana, for a board room wrangling. He said they are performing well against Bagbin's parochial interest. Health workers in the pilot Ashanti Region last month demonstrated against the health insurance capitation system as an alternative source of healthcare financing. This was quickly pursued by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana placing an interlocutory injunction on the implementation of this provider payment system. The current outbreak of CSM in the northern sector could not be contained. Who said Ghana is guinea worm free! This is enough chaos and anarchy!

I could continue to mention a litany of failures in the health sector but I choose not to. Yet the Health Minister, Hon. Alban Bagbin continues to administrate with impunity. I choose the word most carefully because of some gargantuan crimes he committed while investigating a suspected corruption case in Suntreso Government Hospital in Kumasi. For this reason, during the January ministerial reshuffle I petitioned the Appointments Committee of Parliament through the Clerk for Mr. Bagbin to answer charges of deprivation of my personal liberty and to inform Ghanaians about the findings of his committee while he was the Minister for Water Resources, Works & Housing. (It is not in my interest if the STX plummeted!) I indicated the essence of this clearance before he could head for the Health Ministry. However, this plea was snubbed and he switched to operate as the Health Minister. I wonder on whom the blame should fall: Nyimadu, Adjaho, Bagbin or Mills?

In furtherance, I have already stated my case through the media and Ghanaians seem to have swollen tooth on this matter or are rather busy with the controversial Woyomegate. It is not in my interest to distort our hard-worn democracy but if this swollen tooth is not checked I will soon submit a claim at the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity and crimes of corruption. I nearly uttered a diabolic yell when Mills was shortlisted for the Mo Ibrahim prize which took into account elements like democracy and rule of law as stipulated by one polemic. I say so because Mills has been the tomfoolery elder watching rooftop malt to be beaten by rain. How could Ghanaians believe that the Bagbin committee is still preparing its tongue to bring its findings to light when even no progress report has been given after the over two years odyssey.

I must emphatically give an ultimatum of Friday March 16, 2012 for President JEA Mills and his demigod Alban Bagbin to respond to the witch-hunting that has been taking place though he (Mills) stated the opposite at his investiture. They must also indicate clearly whether the funding is coming from Bagbin's own purse or the tax payer's. In any course the state needs to take action. Let us be "bold to defend forever the course of freedom and of right." And may God "help us to resist oppressors rule with our will and might forever." Nobody believes in democracy and rule of law than myself. And I am defending the constitution of the Republic as a state prerogative.

How long shall I remain unheard! Perhaps Ghanaians have underestimated my submission and deemed it pejorative. I mean business and I must state few of the gargantuan crimes committed by the minister without integrity specifically for the benefit of those who have no knowledge of the odyssey. • The coming of the Nobel Laureate Wole Soyinka for a biographical sketch; • The summon of world spiritual leaders (including a high powered delegation from the Vatican) for a resolution; • The National Best Teacher Award 2010 scandal; • Deprivation of my personal liberty; • Reproduction of my manuscripts, e-health draft proposal, Africa Common Language Policy draft proposal, 3 dairies, letters, memos and other relevant documents.

I want the law maker to tell Ghanaians whether this is what the right to information law talks about and whether ministers of state can operate as BNI/CID officials. Perhaps when he comes out from his hibernation he will add some more crimes of indiscretion.

To channel a fellow columnist, if we are not careful one day somebody will steal the Bank of Ghana and only be made to resign. Long live Ghana! Long live our hard worn democracy and rule of law!!