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Opinions of Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Columnist: Shaban, Abdur Rahman Alfa

Morning 'Devo' What? Onukpa Parker, Park That Directive!

In the 21st Century and a constitutionally led Ghana, and a public officials engages in an act akin to trying to muscle a group of people by merely granting a radio interview with a directive from his office.

Who signed Mr. Parker Allotey's directive that everyone should compulsorily attend "morning devotion"? It is intriguing that for a bureaucratic system as the Ghana Education Service (GES) it took him to stir the pot of controversy.

More so at a time when Muslims were pushing for the recognition of a constitutionally dormant RIGHT (caps mine) to freely practice their religion, in this case that female pupils and students be allowed to wear their veils to school.

What is morning devotion?

I won't explain it for Paa Allotey and or the GES, but what a world of difference it would have made to refer to it as morning assembly. Who would have requested an explanation from Atta Allotey as to what constituted morning assembly?

But why should Muslim students be asked to go and sing hymnals and gospel praise songs, sing and dance, clap and kneel; just because their parents want them to get an education; a basic RIGHT as per the constitution. I mean how?

They have always done so; why now? Having always done so is certainly not reason why we should continue so to do. There comes a time when the zephyr of change blows. In our case, we seek that change NOW! #Baafira

You see, the intrigue about Ataa Allotey's comments is that it is supposedly from GES which is under the Ministry and by extension the Presidency. The sector Minister and President seem to have ideas alien to those held by Mr. Parker.

The Minister was on Joy FM as did the President assert the rights to freedom of worship in his last State of the Nation address. Owula Parker as things stand now, thee seeketh to know, from where thy locus?

I hear you put it down to promoting discipline and national unity. I agree that Muslim students NOT be allowed to loiter during morning devotion, but IF there is an option of staying in a class without being of nuisance value; so be it.

Over the years, we have attended strenuously, but no more. Times have changed and we have waived our submissiveness in that light not for disrespect of authority but to establish a mutual convention for generations yet to come.

Now on the score of national unity, where would a united Ghana emanate from when a section of the whole is crying foul over a clear trampling over their rights. Ataa Allotey; drop that talk. Owula Parker, Park that view.

"... bold to defend forever,
The cause of freedom and of right,
Fill our hearts with true humility,
Make us cherish, fearless, honesty ...."

God bless our homeland Ghana.

14 Jumadal Oolaa 1436 = 05 March, 2015

Shaban Alfa Abdur Rahman
[email protected]/[email protected]