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Opinions of Sunday, 2 September 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Mr Dreamer Mahama, please Make me a Dream

In the 1970s there was a song which was very popular with students - "Music maker, make me a song". As it was in those days, so shall it be from today until December 7, 2012, when a dreamer will be making us more dreams. I am sure we shall all enjoy the NDC circus President Mahama will bring to our cities, towns and villages within the coming weeks and months.

President Dramani Mahama says, "It would be one touch victory for NDC" on December 7, 2012. What a dreamer this person is? Would all my readers and the fans of Rockson join me in giving him a standing ovation, saying, Mr. Dreamer, make us a dream. He is actually tickling himself and laughing.

He thinks elections are won when surrounded by "babies with sharp teeth to bite into your opponents". With his party's unanimous decision of "can't do attitude", I wonder how this dreamer without cogent policies or vision can persuade reasonable, but suffering Ghanaians, to vote for him and his NDC party.

Ghanaians will be stupid, excuse me to say, to vote for NDC and President Mahama. With all the scary poverty staring us in the face, come about because of the socio-economic mismanagement of the country by the NDC, I will be shocked to see the NDC re-elected for a second term. Even though that old rogue called Dr. Afari Gyan is putting in place structures to facilitate their re-election, God has already thwarted their plans.

With all the brazen official corruption in perpetration by the NDC and President John Dramani Mahama, I wonder how sensible but suffering Ghanaians will decide to vote for the NDC.

Will Ghanaians have short memory, forget about their suffering, and accept short-lived election-time financial inducements to vote the NDC to power? Whoever sells his dignity to behave that much irresponsibly is worse than a wild beast living in the jungle.

I know that the NDC have almost depleted the coffers of Ghana for their selfish gains. They are ready to offer electorates bribes to woo them to their camp. The bribe given to you today will not last you a month or two. Once you finish spending the money, for the rest of the entire duration of the NDC being in power, you will suffer abject poverty. If you do not believe me, go and enquire from the majority of their foot soldiers. They became rampageous because the NDC neglected them after winning the 2008 elections.

Ghanaians, please do not allow the NDC to deceive you. They have nothing better for Ghanaians. They have no vision. They are full of "Can't-do attitude". They are only best in lawlessness, corruption, masterminding kickback-judgment debt payments and assisting foreign companies and individuals to swindle Ghana. The facts are there for you to see unless you are physically, mentally and psychologically blind and deaf.

If they are good, why is former President Rawlings advising President Mahama to throw away the dirty bath water along with the baby (in it)? Normally, you do not throw away the bath water with the baby.

President Mahama, with all the corruption you have presided over and partaken, you will be the greatest dreamer ever existed to authoritatively utter the words, "It would be one touch victory for NDC"

I challenge you to withdraw that statement made in bad faith. It is an insult to the intelligence of Ghanaians.

Rockson Adofo