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Opinions of Monday, 8 March 2010

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

Mrs Rawlings' Absurdity Awakens A Sleeping Dog

After being accused of going on the rampage with a deluge of attacks on the Rawlingses by commentators, I decided to take respite for sometime but the fallacious statements oozed out from the pig of Mrs Rawlings concerning the prosecution of NPP officials gives me no option but to respond swiftly.

During the inauguration of NDC committee members on March 3rd, Akwele Wang U (Mrs Rawlings) had the nerve to urge President Mills to expedite the prosecution of members of the previous government who in her hypocritical opinion are guilty of financial malfeasance. This playing the pontiff act of this mental midget is very baffling. Before I cut to the chase, allow me postulate a scenario. President Obama by executive order puts the U.S. postal service on auction and his wife (MIchelle Obama) and her partners are the highest bidders. Do you see how foolish this sounds in a western democracy, but not in Ghana. Towards the end of Rawlings administration, Nsawam canneries a state owned company was auction by executive order and guess who the highest bidder was. Yes, you guessed right. Akwele Wang U and her ghost partners who existed as pseudo humans bought this company. Folks this is not a subjective flight of fancy but a reality in our version of democracy which happens to be a joke or a sham.

For this corruption infested soul to point fingers from the position of self righteousness after the known losses they caused the state stretches beyond credulity. Make no bones about it if there is proof that anyone has caused financial loss to the state, that person must face the law. Akwele Wang U let me tell you something, you and your husband can fool some people all of the time,fool all of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. And if you think the over whelming majority of Ghanaians are naive then with all due respect you are a fool.

Ghana is not one of your illegally acquired properties, so after putting us in bondage for 20 yrs just shut up and let Attah Mills show you how a real democracy looks like. If there are enough proof to substantiate your fallacies don't you think the law under NDC will expedite their prosecution to please your miserable soul? Nana darkwa accused your husband of arson and he is facing the courts. You accused NPP officials of financial malfeasance and you are free like a bed flying in the sky. That is Ghana's version of democracy.

Kwadwo Poku N Y