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Opinions of Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Columnist: Confidence, Abdulai Hanan R.

My Best MP for 2013 is Hon. Inusah Fuseini

. I have two simple reasons:

First, if you follow me, you will know that I am a slave of grammatolatry. My statuses are often interlaced with an aura of pomp and grandiloquence. It is always inadvertent, though some may misconstrue me as trying to portray myself as pseudo-lexicographer or repository of words. And so? And so I adore people who enrich my word bank and awaken my passive vocabulary. I like to listen to the Honourable Man Inusah – he has a cache of unfamiliar diction – and he has a mastery of neologism (coinage).

I have learnt so many words from him afar. And if I had an opportunity of a personal intercourse with him, my verbosity and logorrhoea would have become a mental condition.

So why all these big words wahala!? Is it really necessary? Yes, Hon. Inusah on the same platform with Hon. Dominic Nitiwul used the word “idiosyncrasy”. The latter by the art of his facial construction felt insulted – presumably, Nitiwul thought “idiosyncrasy” is the bigger form of “idiocy” because both words rhyme.

But “idiosyncrasy” is an innocuous word – it describes the distinctive and peculiar traits of a person (or maybe a group).

I remembered when the honourable said that Nana Addo was on mental fringe: it was like a honeycomb cut loose! However, he was only enforcing the consistency of Nana Addo’s promising spree? It was not malice aforethought!

I have learnt some legalese from him as well. On News File, he described NPP’s Petition as Brutum Fulmen. I was not only metagrabolised but tantalised by the term. I reached out for my dictionary but the word was beyond the remit of my reference. I asked Google – it said, “Obviously unwinnable lawsuit.” I was marvelled. An idea that requires a prose of explanation been summarised in two scary words.

Other words and expressions I have learnt and relearnt from Hon. Inusah include: “cascading event”, “gamut”, “snowballing effect”, “pro bono”, “coterminous” et cetera.

I just like him for that – it might be a realm absurdity to you – but that is just one of my idiosyncrasies! You cannot take it away from me because I am slave of grammatolatry.

Second, I have been following him on the media circle. I must confess that he is a do-gooder and an evangelist of John Mahama’s government. He has an innate passion for this government to succeed as evidenced by the trajectory of his rhapsodies! He has consistently shown (pardon me) the northernness in him.

Unlike other MPs and ministers who have grown beyond defending the government on local radio and TV stations, Hon. Inusah still avails himself for that job – a job so-think for the struggling youth for fame and recognition. As an ardent follower of the media; I have seen and heard him innumerable times handling hot headlines on the government.

Each time I spot him on the media circle; he is defending, justifying, elucidating, clarifying, adumbrating, expatiating and edifying the masses on government policies, actions and inactions. He is using his expertise pro bono! He will not tell you to get out of the kitchen if it is hot – he will probably give you reasons why the kitchen is hot. Many a time, I do spot one or two of his words in the president’s speeches. Could the president be okaying his posture or it is a coincidence?

It seems he has the singular sense of feeling that the failure of John Mahama will be an indictment on the Northern Literati. I crave for the confluence of Northern MPs to promulgate and project the good work of the government.

But until then… Honourable Inusah Fuseini is my Best MP for 2013!

Abdulai Hanan R. Confidence

[email protected]