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Opinions of Thursday, 2 August 2012

Columnist: Abdulai Hanan R. Confidence

My Tribute to Mills: Rhyming in Tears

My Tribute to Prof John Evans Atta Mills: Rhyming in Tears

I thought it was another vile propaganda

For that has been other’s agenda

Until thee thrash out of ananda

The tidings brought us all groaning referenda

All wails go to our beloved Amanda

It is convincing rumour

For beings are toed to true glamour

Like Romeo losing an amour

Here and there is unmusical clamour

No soul can even be moved by Bean’s humour

Thou flee to trance

But land nowhere near France

In my heart is throbbing pain of Calvary lance

Broken is our gold-graved faience

Tears and sobs our common parlance

The dolorous tributes may try

But I won’t cry

Yet I feel like a fish for fry

My dejection elicits everyone’s pry

Friends and foes soothe me without wry

But only God can pat me dry

In evidence

He is my second providence

I habituate in thee character residence

Of strict abhorrence

To moral decadence

He is a pearl of precedence

In all measure of human incidence

He made me Confidence

Extinguished in me all remnants of diffidence

He is my pre-eminent role model

For the hoi polloi his mollycoddle

He never fist against those who at him twaddle

Even at a point his moribund soul was in solemn waddle

With all his onto others sense of sympathy

Many are those who bore him great antipathy

Yet he accepted all dissing with apathy

Today’s farewell convulse us into a realm of empathy

The people’s desire is his passion

Only those of turpitude fail to see his compassion

The man of mammoth erudition

Was ever ready to ration

The scarce resources of ours to the nation

To the citizenry’s satisfaction

For he believes personal gratification

Was mundane fashion

Nonetheless the Judases of vilification

Gave him up for Crucifixion

A paragon of altruism

A specimen of patriotism

A template of socialism

A definition of egalitarianism

A figure of moralism

A cutting of pluralism

Leaves us all in abject pessimism

Asomdwehene your soul shall be well

For we behold you by the Garden of Pearl’s well

Even though our tears and moans make us no well.

You left us in fragmented piece

Uncle you left thou niece

You left us irreducible lacuna of no ease

To Rest In Peace

*Abdulai Hanan R. Confidence*

*Former TEIN P.R.O. of Nurses Training College, Tamale (2009 Batch) *

*The writer on part-time also teaches Maths and Science at Faith-Hill Community School, NORRIP-Tamale *