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Opinions of Wednesday, 9 February 2022

Columnist: Anthony Afrane

My bad day in Bolga

The meat tasted bizarre The meat tasted bizarre

I had some business transactions in Bolga more than a decade ago. After a long and tiring journey, I got to my destination. I was hungry and wasn’t sure how long my scolding stomach would remain obedient, I, therefore, decided to pacify it with some Kebab, Hehehehe, how I had wished Kojo was around.

I saw a long queue at a kebab spot, the like of which one might find at night in Osu. I joined the queue, but the behavior of some of the guys around made me become twitchy – every passing moment filled me with more anxiety.

It finally got to my turn, and I bought some tasty-looking kebabs. I immediately plucked a piece of meat from the wooden skewer. The meat did not stay long in my mouth but stayed long enough for me to detect that it was not beef or mutton. The meat tasted awfully bizarre to me! I ended up doing something foolish, disrespectful, and wrong. I spat out the meat, and said, “Tweaakai.”

A young man standing near gave me a measuring look, and shouted, “Kai, bro, you spoil the meat.”

“I think I chop wrong meat, bro,” I responded.

The long and short of my story is that I tasted dog meat, and this wasn’t the sort of thing I wanted to experience twice: and since then I have vowed never to try 'chinchinga' in Bolga.

Interestingly, I’m not the only person who has “chopped” wrong meat. Abakade, Yaanom have gulped down their throats some wrong meat too, and the coming days are going to be quite enthralling.