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Opinions of Sunday, 21 August 2016

Columnist: Badu, K

My friend, even aggrieved NDC supporters want Mahama out

The other time I informed my dearest readers about my long-term friend Kofi, who has seen enough of the rot in his beloved NDC and President Mahama’s government and threatening to walk out of the NDC Party.

According to Kofi, he has been defending and promoting the party’s ethos of probity and accountability for well over twenty three years, but won’t be able to continue as the sleaze and corruption have reached immeasurable proportions in Mahama’s government.

Kofi insists that the straw that broke the camel’s back was when President Mahama unjustifiably gave Madam Akua Donkor of Ghana Freedom Party (GFP) two four wheel drive cars and a luxury bungalow for no work done.

Kofi’s beef stems from the fact that he had worked his socks off all those years for the Party to enjoy power for well over fifteen years and has nothing to show for his efforts.

Meanwhile, parasitic creatures like Madam Akua Donkor are needlessly being showered with all sorts of melodic gifts.

Unsurprisingly, Kofi has demitted his role in the NDC party and has confided in me that he won’t even travel to his pooling station on the voting day. He does not see the need to vote for NDC and President Mahama. He is indeed distraught about Mahama’s handling of the economy and his maladaptive laissez faire leadership.

In fact, I would have loved for my friend Kofi to vote for a more formidable and competent Nana Akufo Addo, but Kofi is so aggrieved and does not even want to vote for anyone. To be quite honest, I cannot blame him.

Indeed, President Mahama and his NDC government have disappointed the vast majority of Ghanaians with their maladaptive governance. Hence, most discerning Ghanaians don’t see the need to travel to the polling station to cast their vote.

And more so a large number of NDC supporters are unhappy with the leadership style of President Mahama and have threatened on numerous occasions to show him the red card.

“NDC Supporters Threaten To Leave Party Over Preferential Treatment Given To John Dumelo,Mr.Beautiful,Tracey Boakye and co” (

“Angry residents of Gbulung and its surrounding communities in the Kumbungu District of the Northern Region, have threatened to boycott the 2016 polls if government fails to fix their road”.

“About a thousand of them including sub and youth chiefs, opinion leaders and assembly members, joined a massive demonstration on Wednesday August 17, 2016 to express their anger”.

“They held placards some of which read, “John Mahama stop sleeping, “NDC since 92 why,” “JM it is going against us why,” “We are tired, no road no vote,” “John Mahama, remember where you are coming from” (

“Ho residents in the Volta region, called the bluff of the Volta regional Minister, Madam Helen Notoso as they protested over the poor road networks in the municipality”. The aggrieved residents say they are tired of government’s failure to fix the bad roads in the area. “The protestors ignored warnings from the Police and the regional minister not to demonstrate without police protection”.

“The poor turnout did not however prevent the protestors from presenting a petition to the president through the regional minister”.

“Some of the demonstrators speaking to Starr News said the bad nature of the roads is making life unbearable for residents”. “They warned the governing NDC they are likely to lose more votes in the region in the upcoming 2016 elections if the government does not pay attention to their needs” ( ;; ;

Obviously, I share my friend Kofi and other discerning Ghanaians pain. However, they should never make the catastrophic mistake of not voting in the general election on 7th December 2016.

They should rather vote for a positive change if they indeed feel aggrieved about Mahama’s maladministration.

For if they refuse to vote, their unhappiness will not go away as the non-performing government of President Mahama may be retained by other voters.

K. Badu, UK.