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Opinions of Monday, 2 August 2021

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

My views on the trending alleged quackery of coronavirus test at Kotoka International Airport

Ghana is currently experiencing a spike in coronavirus cases Ghana is currently experiencing a spike in coronavirus cases

I have been out of the limelight of internet news publications for the past few weeks due to physical indisposition. While I still feel not well and sound enough to tediously engage myself in any national or local issues as are ongoing in Ghana at the moment, I cannot just let the current issue of the alleged quackery of Covid-19 “fit-to-enter Ghana” pass by without dabbling into it.

However, I shall be brief but will come back stronger and more vociferously in the next few days when I feel all is well with me.

The two Ghanaian ladies who are currently naturalised US citizens or residents are of the strongest opinion that the Covid-19 entry test at the Accra Kotoka airport is dodgy for two or more reasons.

1. The test results are altered for reasons only best known to those conducting them. This is to enable the fleecing of the users of the airport, thus, those arriving in the country from abroad.

2. There is suspected collusion between the organizers of the test and the M-Plaza Hotel owners where the alleged or proven Covid-19 positive travellers arriving at the airport are mandatorily requested to self-isolate or quarantine.

Let me use the following analogy to buttress my view in support of the stance taken by one of the women but opposed by Dr. Okoe Boye and his Covid-19 task force.

In a lawsuit, when you are not satisfied with an outcome of a case by the verdict declared by say, a High Court judge, you have the right to appeal the decision by going to the Appeal court. Thus, you can seek a second opinion.

Now, the two women involved in the Covid-19 arrival/entry test at the Kotoka airport are challenging their test results, claiming they have been altered to have them quarantined in a specific hotel where they are charged US$100 a night.

They had 72 hours and also, 24 hours preceding the boarding of their flight to Ghana from the USA tested NEGATIVE. How come that just after eleven and a half hours later, they are tested POSITIVE on arrival in Ghana, they are querying?

Assuming they caught the virus on their flight, don’t they have the right to quench their doubt or curiosity through a second Covid-19 test by any of the independent Covid-19 testers who happen to be approved or designated clinics and hospitals in the country as it is in the court analogy above?

Again, both women or one of them had on them Covid-19 Self-Test (Rapid Antigen Test) kit. They had either used them to prove their negativity to Covid-19 or challenging the authorities of the airport Covid-19 task force to administer their own kit on them to prove whether or not they are Covid-19 positive hence infectious to needing mandatory quarantine, although they have already had their two Covid-19 jabs (vaccinations) in the USA.

Their requests were turned down but forced into the hotel.

I shall have some strong words and questions for both Deputy Health Minister Dr. Okoe Boye and one Dr. Patrick Kuma-Aboakye for certain statements they have made following the doubts vociferously but assertively expressed by both women, Ivy Ankrah and Mavis Boateng.

Fellow Ghanaians, please watch out for what I really have to say in support of the claims being made by both women as against the refusal to accept the results of their self-test kits or request to have a second test from elsewhere to confirm or refute their positive test to Covid-19.

As I wrap up, let fellow Ghanaians note that I personally have some of the Covid-19 Self-Test (Rapid Antigen Test) kits in my home, supplied to me by my employer as well as given to me free of charge by the British government at shopping centres, vaccination centre, and my grandson’s school. These kits are approved by the UK National Health Service (NHS).

I will rain brimstone and fire on anyone involved in dubious activities meant to dupe Ghanaian travellers to enrich colluding corrupt officials and individuals in Ghana.