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Opinions of Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Columnist: Kirk-mensah

N.D.C will commit political suicide if...

It has come into the lime light of late, in the Ghanaian media that the ruling Party the National Democratic Congress (N.D.C) is likely going to change the sitting President, His Excellency, Prof. John Evans Fiffi Asomdwe Atta-Mills bid for the second term on the delegate congress expected in 2011 in preparation towards the 2012 Presidentials.

President Mills is virtually less than two years in office and has streamlined policies and programmes yet to be unfolded completely! He has gained a lot of respect from many Ghanaians. His supreme sense and attitude in the values as of humility, rule of law, freedom of expression and tolerance for positive criticism he has shown so far given him a distinguished and unique gentleman President!

Historically since the restart of multi party democracy in the fourth republic, the two term rotational tacit agreement has been practiced, we witnessed ex-presidents JJ Rawlings and JA Kuffour served their two terms without hitches. Here care\some chronological events to refresh our memories; First was former President J. J. Rawlings, who had his first term starting on January 7th 1993 and ended on January 6th 1997 after wining about 60% of the total votes cast. The then sitting President got his second mandate again from Ghanaians when he was re-elected in 7th December 1996 where he rolled in 57% of the total votes in a contest with former President Kuffour. Subsequently Mr. J.A. Kuffour led what was then called the great the year 2000 to unseat the ruling party’s candidate, professor John Evans Attah Mills, a sitting vice president. This indeed was the first test for Prof. Attah Mills, and a bitter experience as such, since he lost, largely because there emerged the tacit agreement. In fact the then outgoing president, JJ Rawlings gave massive support to his chosen candidate but he lost the general elections in a second round show down on December 28th 2000 when he got 44.1% and the then opposition party, the New Patrotic Party(N.P.P) candidate John Kuffour got 56.9% giving the opposition the seat of governance. President Kuffour was re-elected in 2004 when he pulled 52.5% of total votes cast while the then opposition candidate Prof. Attah Mills got 44.6%.

Former president Kuffour how ever ended his reign as dictated by the constitution in 2008.

Surprisingly the ruling Government at that time candidate, Nana Akuffo Addo fail to make it in the first round in election that book makers predicted a one touch victory for him after spending money excessively compared to previous elections. Nana Addo got 49.13% and Asomdwehene Attah Mills pulled 47.92% in the first round and as the constitution demanded we went on the 2nd round and the button changed hands, maybe by dint of this tacit two term rotational agreement, where the opposition candidate for the third time running pulled off a closely fought victory with just a handful of extra votes, earning 50.23% of the total votes cast to become the present head of state of this our beloved country.

Let me ask this question why candidate Mills lost in 2000 when he was a sitting vice president? The answer was so simple, a popular concept at the time was “a vote for Mills is a vote for Rawlings” this was what the N.P.P used against the N.D.C. and won elections. The same notion was relaunched in 2004 and N.P.P. won again...

How did the mentality of Ghanaians change?

When the Rawlingses was pushing for Madam Betty Mould Iddrisu to be co-flag bearer, as a running mate, the Professor Asomdwehene, exhibited his prowess of the Man in control and determination, and exerted his choice for a humble gentleman John Dramani Mahama... Probably this show of self determination broke the unproven concept of “a vote for Mills is a vote for Rawlings” invented by the NPP

His Excellency Professor Mills has proven beyond all reasonable doubt that he is a man by himself, who believes in the rule of law, freedom of speech, accountability and justice, that is why he resisted and rejected the pressures from some NDC leading members who were pushing him to jail some of the NPP faithfuls who were perceived to be corrupt in their 8years reign of affairs of this country.

Mr Rawlings is a legend in our political history. He has really tried for mother Ghana in propagating the multi party democracy we are enjoying, he did well in his reign of connecting many districts into the national electrical and water grid. He will be forever remembered for the improvement in some areas of agriculture ,Education, telecommunication, road and transport sector, local government etc

After he left office he exhibited a life that all Ghanaians have accepted that he has the interest of the nation at heart. Mrs Rawlings is one of the highly respected women in Ghana who demonstrated good leadership role and encourage other women to take part in the decision making process of the country, she created the platea for investing in women and children. Today her name is rising in our political Arena, even to the extent of a presumed willingness to contest for presidency! However by so doing the good name that Mr Rawlings has will automatically sink beyond recognition. Ghanaians will no longer be able to judge between positive and negative criticisms, and some may say that, the main reason for all that he started doing and saying against the former President Kuffour and now president Mills is just to pave the way for his wife.

Nana Konadu is very competent and can lead any organisation but not an NDC presidential candidate at this time! We have our sitting president who has declared his intention to lead the Party to the Presidentials.

If the NDC should make a mistake of changing the sitting president’s candidacy at the forthcoming congress it will amount to a political suicide! And we will loose the elections headsdown.

Change of presidential candidate imply the Mills led government has failed and consequently the NDC Party. If the party has failed, then all NDC faithfuls have also failed Ghanaians whether you were given the chance to serve or not.

The NPP will use it as a propaganda against the NDC

NPP flag bearer who lead the 1st round in the general election in 2008 will have a easy work to do since NDC will bring in a new candidate, who will has to be marketed first and then challenge the already marketed Nana Akuffo Addo.

Any body who does not like the leadership style of president mills is not a good politician but a selfish type. President Mills is just one year and half in office and has the following to his credit.

Youth in agriculture project

Increasing the capitation grants

Free school uniform

Free exercise book

STX housing deal

Expansion of youth employment programme

Reducing of inflation to a single digit

Cabinet approval of national youth policy

Removal of many schools on the tress and building class room blocks

People who are talking of economic hardship they should understand that the world economic crunch has affected every country, especially the developing countries which get budgetary support from the advance countries. Foreign remittance has reduced because many Ghanaians living outside have lost their jobs and as a result slashed the amounts they normally send home.

I think any body who believes in the development of Ghana and at the rate Ghana is getting recognition internationally should support the leadership style of professor mills and help him with necessary support needed to make the better Ghana agenda a reality

Long live president Mills! Long live NDC! Long live Ghana!

