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Opinions of Thursday, 15 March 2007

Columnist: Musah, Abdul

NDC: Apostles of Gloom and Doom: A Rejoinder

Permit me a space to respond to an article written by Steve Opoku and published on your webpage on February 11th 2007. My response to the article is not prompted by the lucidity with which the article was written nor for the strength of it argument. But for the mere campaign of smearing the NDC through the use of unsubstantiated facts and half-baked research conducted by the NEPAD and its allies in the Ghanaian government. Ghanaians don?t need researches, the methods of which are not verifiable and sample questionable. If the author of the article wants the true state of security in Ghana, his best source would be to read the daily newspapers and count the reported incidence of armed robbery and violent conflicts since Mr. Kuffour and his NPP took over the realm of affairs. Besides the stats that the writer based all his argument on did not appear anywhere in the NDCs press conference in reaction to the President address, nor did he attempt to challenge claims made by the party at the conference. These leave us wondering the rational behind the article. Is he questioning the motive of the NDC for that press conference or he is just one of those ?Nativists? who do not see anything right in the effort of NDC. As the main opposition party in the country, just as in most civilized democracies, the NDC has a duty and responsibility to voice out opinions contrary to the ones held by government and it is a constitutional obligation to inform Ghanaians what they think or perceive to be the true state of affairs in the country.

Therefore slamming the NDC as ?apostles of doom? for holding a press conference in response to an official statement by the President concerning the state of the Nation is an act usually made by feeble-minded people who usually lack basic understanding of democracy and its operation. Those individuals are more prone to liken democracy to a 16th century Monarchy where the views of leaders are seen as divinely inspired and therefore should not be challenged. Mr. Kuffour is not a King, if he ever aspire to be one than he should restrict himself within the parameters of Ashanti Kingdom were the King is still seen as the ?son God? whose views are unchallenged and actions not scrutinized. In a democracy dissent is allowed and critic is a fair game. Ghanaians opted for a democracy hence the right of the NDC to dissent is also approved by Ghanaians.

On the Press Conference of the NDC, it does not take a rocket scientist to know that Ghanaians are divided along ethic and tribal lines since the NPPs assumption of office. The NPP itself is an epitome of tribalism; a cursory look into their government appointments is just as clear as the distinction between day and night their tribal and ethnic orientations. A point well supported by their history from the days of the NLM, PP and now NPP; and from the statement of some of their leading members. A quick look at the names of all those who are at odds with the NDC on ghanaweb is in itself a prove on its own. The fact that Ghanaians are now divided along ethnic and tribal lines more than we have ever witness in our post independent history is something we have to accept and deal with, and not sweep under carpet. Dealing with such a situation does not require denying its existence and slamming Rawlings as if he was the source of all the problems we were ever confronted. If anything at all, Rawlings had served his tenure and for six years he is on retirement. Blaming him for everything is not going to solve NPP misdeeds.

The NDC press conference also touched on corruption and abuse of office. Something the writer never mentioned. May be it was a deliberate attempt to dilute the press conference with his concocted views. Coincidently, just as his article was being published a new act of corruption in the administration was reported on the same day. President Kuffour was reported to be subverting Ghana?s bidding systems for companies supported by his son, this is happening even as the hotel kuffor saga still hang on his neck.

With regards to selective justice, an issue, which the writer again never touched, the NDC was right. How many of Mr. Kuffour?s corrupt ministers were put before our courts? With the exception of Mallam Issa who is not an NPP member. Mallam became a minister of sports in the NPP administration by virtue of his financial contributions to the 2000 Kuffour campaign. The reward for his contribution was his appointment as Minister of Youth Sports under the shadows of all-inclusive government, although that did not enthused many in the leadership NPP. There were several theories explaining Mallam?s prosecution and subsequent imprisonment. But the one that made a lot of sense to us is that Mallam was made to pay for the missing $46,000 because he did not belong to the camp he is serving, in orders words he is not an inner core member of the NPP. Besides the party leadership is already looking for ways to get rid of him. The missing Black Stars money provided them with an excellent opportunity to rid off an odd nut while at the same win some credit for their enunciated concept of ?zero tolerance for corruption?. Since then the concept was dead and buried, it is only revived when they noticed some unpopularity and want to divert attention, then some NDC members are quickly stifled before court for something that has no legal meaning. For the author?s information, Mr. Bamba is now appointed ambassador after attempting to defraud a Bank, and after using state letterheads for dubious visa deals for NPP boys. If this is not enough evidence for the writer than I suppose nothing will.

I rest my case hoping that we all learn the lessons of history, experience both within and without our borders, and above simple logic. If something is not right, it cannot be right because my king?s man does it. You cannot plant a mango seed expecting to harvest a plantain.

Musah, Abdul
Niagara Falls, Canada

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