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Opinions of Sunday, 25 August 2013

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

NDC Cheating at the Polls Has Created Tensions

NDC Cheating at the Polls Has Created Tensions in Ghana

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

It started with the brutal assassination of the three Akan-descended Accra High Court judges on June 30, 1983. The culprit was the Rawlings-led and Anlo-Ewe dominated Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC); and it was the Council's way of thoroughly "De-Akanizing" the Ghanaian judicial system. Since the, one form of political corruption and depredation, or another, has been employed to literally cut the country's Akan ethnic majority down to size. Finally, though, dynamic forces within the Great Akan Mega-Nation are beginning to rise up and realign themselves for the democratic reassertion of their logical centrality within the cultural and socioeconomic and political affairs of the nation as they ought to.

For, needless to say, the Akan are the single-largest creators of all the valuable material ingredients that constitute the proverbial Ghanaian Personality, so widely known and acclaimed the world over. I also wish that Ghanaians could once and for all discard this no-brainer notion that, somehow, the vigorous demand for democratic justice is squarely to blame for simmering and rising tensions within the country. In essence, it is criminally insolent for the key operatives of the ethnic minority-dominated National Democratic Congress (NDC) to presume to steamroll over the Akan ethnic majority as a legitimate means of asserting themselves.

And here, let me warn these anti-Akan blood-sucking ethnic minorities that the Akan ethnic majority are not in a hurry to go anyway outside of the land which their ancestors fought to acquire for us centuries ago, and which we have culturally and technologically shaped and humanized to reflect our spirit of esthetic excellence and diligent ingenuity. That we have put our indelible stamp of recognition on the geographical bulk of this country cannot be gainsaid. And neither can we passively allow ourselves to be genocidally wiped off the face of this Earth; on this aspect of the massive failure of the "De-Akanization" process, any levelheaded Ghanaian can compare notes with Mr. Rawlings and the Tsikatas.

Indeed, the systematic and perennial attempt to liquidate Akan ideological and economic enterprise is what has put the nation in the sort of unease in which it presently finds itself. And the very bizarre notion that it is an anathema, or a curse, for us to seek democratic justice at the Supreme Court, a fundamental constitutional provision, is to squarely blame for raging tensions in the country, is nothing short of the downright preposterous. For the first time, we are also debating the inexcusably noetic idea of whether to accept or reject the peremptory finality of a Supreme Court verdict (See "'Election Petition Has Not Created Any Tension'" 8/22/13).

Otherwise decent leaders like former President John Agyekum-Kufuor had better boldly, courageously and publicly admit that it is Trokosi Nationalism and its Northern Alliance of GYEEDA Scam Artists that have brought our beloved country to the brink of civil strife and outright chaos; and the American Ambassador to Ghana cannot be faulted for opportunely pointing to the fact of a political storm cloud having dangerously massed up on our hitherto largely staid and placid national landscape.

In essence, there is palpable tension in the country because a group of clinically benighted political Knight Riders refuses to accept the august reign of law and order. They have constituted themselves into their own extra-constitutional cause and would not hear or brook any of the globally recognized tenets of the Geneva Convention. And this is why I am, once again, calling on the Akan ethnic Ghanaian majority to declare its sovereignty and to vigorously uphold the same, come August 29, 2013, if the Atuguba-presided Supreme Court makes the nationally suicidal error of playing Machiavellian politics with the straight-arrow rule of justice and fair play.

We are fed up with three decades of anti-Akan persecution, harassment and colonization by the Anlo-Ewe supremacists and their Northern Alliance of Political Galamsayers.

_____________________________________________________ *Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D. Department of English Nassau Community College of SUNY Garden City, New York August 22, 2013 E-mail: [email protected] ###