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Opinions of Monday, 26 December 2011

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC Connive with Alfred Agbesi Woyome to Swindle Ghana

The putridity of the NDC as a party, as a group of persons aspiring to continue to rule Ghana smirks of a slap in the face and a foul smell on discerning Ghanaians' breath. They have since ascending to power under the fragile mediocre leadership of President Atta Mills been smacking Ghanaians with their stinking corruption.

About two years ago, one Carl Wilson rose up among the NDC to confiscate cars from the nation's harbours to share among the NDC stalwarts. The NDC gurus principally among who was Hon. Alex Segbefia, the Deputy Chief of Staff, were all the while defending him. Many were the NDC members who flung their weight behind Carl Wilson, defending his atrocious daylight robbery inflicted on Ghanaian car importers. As long as the NDC were directly benefiting from the repugnant thievery Carl Wilson was committing under the most ridiculous excuse ever advanced in justification of questionable acts, they were all out in their numbers like a pride of lions to devour his critics.

Again, one Alfred Agbesi Woyome, a seemingly conman and a self-styled financier of the NDC party has been uncovered to have swindled Ghana to the tune of about GHC58 Million. I have directly listened to the relentless defence thrown on his behalf by his spokesperson, Mr. Akyena Brentuo, who doubles as a member of the Presidential Communication's Team. I have also listened to the former Chief of Staff, Hon. Kwadwo Mpiani. From my personal observation, Alfred Agbesi Woyome is a classical conman who flirts with the main political parties with intent to enrich himself. Every sane person concluding from the little known about how the government paid the money to Alfred will find him guilty of conning Ghana out of millions of Cedis.

If it is not a situation of NDC conniving with him to cheat Ghana out, then I do not know what that is. The then Attorney General, Madam Betty Mould-Iddrisu, as usually incompetent, academically questionable, in legal practice a non-starter, and has animus for court decisions tilting in favour of her opponents, has done herself the greatest disservice. She flouted a Court decision to pay Alfred Agbesi Woyome GHC17 Million followed up by subsequent two monthly instalment payments of GHC17 Million. She went her own way to negotiate outside court with Alfred and then instructed the Finance Minister, Dr Kwabena Duffuor, my own respectable and respectful Kumawu compatriot, to pay Alfred the supposed GHC58 Million. Now Ghanaians doubt the credibility and integrity of the Finance Minister who to me is not at fault. Ghanaians are to hold Betty fully responsible for all acts of omissions and commissions that led to Alfred Agbesi Woyome conning Ghana out of the indicated sum of money. He had never signed a contract with Ghana leading up to Ghana owing him the money President Mills with his bunch of incompetent members of government have paid out to him.

My beef is why the NDC top gurus and the government members, Akyena Brentuo, who works with the office of Chief of Staff, Hon. Alex Segbefia, the Deputy Chief of Staff and Hon Ebo-Barton Odro, the Deputy Attorney General are all out vociferously defending Alfred Agbesi Woyome? Why did Betty Mould-Iddrisu fail to defend the State but rather stupidly impulsively out of anger or in connivance ordered the Finance Ministry to pay that hefty sum of money to Alfred in contrast to a Court's judgment? This shows not only the incompetence but also the deliberate daylight robbery the NDC are ravaging on Ghanaians. To say President Mills is a hypocrite and a liar is an understatement. How could he claim no knowledge of the deal when the Finance Minister has paid such a big sum withdrawn from the consolidated fund to an individual? He is by his assertion of unawareness of the payment to Alfred undermining his own intelligence but not that of discerning Ghanaians. To say the least about how weak and not in control President Mills is, much the better.

Anyway, I am scared for the political, economic and social future of Ghana. It is by such acts of thievery by our politicians that the military always justify their dabbling in politics. It is never true that the soldiers will never be welcome when they decide to usurp power any day in Ghana. In the face of such nonsense and utter robbery in perpetration by our politicians, the military may be welcome by many so our politicians should be very circumspect about whatever they do.

I will personally institute court action against Alex Segbefia and Carl Wilson for making me an accomplice in their car stealing syndicate. Once they impounded the supposedly stolen cars, sold them, kept the money, or shared them among the NDC gurus, without returning the cars to their rightful foreign owners if any, all Ghanaians instantly became thieves. I have been asking President Mills in my published articles to tell Ghanaians how much money NDC raised from the sale of the supposed stolen cars and where the money is but he still keeps silence over it. He is acting ignorance though he is not stupid.

I wish all Ghanaians a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year even though the government had not yet paid some workers their December salaries as of 22nd December 2011. I hope the NDC will end the obnoxious ongoing administrative thievery as year 2011 ends.

Rockson Adofo