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Opinions of Thursday, 11 March 2010

Columnist: Poku, Kwadwo

NDC Disdains Ga Mantse And Ga's Are Mute

It is with great sorrow as a respecter of traditions and an admirer of the paramount chief of Ga's to pen this article. The NDC have touted and insinuated the NPP influenced the installation of NII TACKIE TAWIAH, to the extent he had to go on radio to air his grievances. And what is more shocking is the deafening silence of the entire Ga tribe. I'm not oblivious of the fact that there is an ongoing dispute on the stool which I believe is the duty of the king makers and not the courts or politicians to decide.

To my Ga friends, the NDC disdains your chief and you are not outraged? This unfounded accusation calls for an uproar on the streets of Accra and for Ga's to allow Nii Tackie Tawiah to be reduced to an irreducible minimum is a disgrace, plain and simple. To add insult to injury they are demanding he renders an apology to Atta Mills for saying he's surrounded himself with standard 7 boys and questions whether Mills thinks they are fools. Nii you owe no one an apology, rather the President and the upper echelons of the NDC must come to your palace to make peace. To Victor Smith (former spokes person to Rawlings) I don't know your tribal affiliations but if you are a Ga, then with all due respect you are a sellout for demanding an apology. If this political theatre can't be staged in Kumasi why should it be in Accra.

Ga's, please wake up. If your silence on this issue is indicative of your devoteeism to Rawlings then you are traditionally deficient. How dare you allow this eyesore to happen?

Mr President, tell your party to stop hiding behind hazy generalities and Pius platitudes and produce the evidence that substantiates the influence of the NPP in this regard.It will not surprise me if Rawlings is at the core of this stool dispute with the other litigant being an NDC favorite.

Kwadwo Poku N Y