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Opinions of Thursday, 21 January 2010

Columnist: Amankwah, Nana Kofi

NDC: Dubious Oil Dealings Exposed III

Attah Mills and his radical cronies who are involved with Kosmos dubious transactions have pocketed forty million dollars. They are now panicking. According to the NDC deep throat who released this information to me in my office, these individuals are in serious shock at how such secret information has fallen into the hands of an outsider. This information has now engulfed the Kosmos deal brokers who have enriched themselves at the expense of the entire nation; Ato Ahwoi, Kwamena Ahwoi, Totobi Kwakye Arthur Amissah, from bank of Ghana, Don, at Attah Mills office and ambassador, Akyeanu.

These aforementioned individuals are now in a panic. They believe the media will focus on their dubious sale, a sale in which they made a 10% profit without the nation benefiting by one penny. They have now realized that media propaganda has failed. They are trying to cover it up with political witch- hunting against the NPP former members who brought Kosmos to the country. It has not worked to their advantage; there are lasting consequences for the NDC criminals and their party. If These criminals within the NDC think they can viciously salvage their dubious Kosmos sale to the Chinese State oil company without any transparency and cover it up, their witch hunt, information from a London Times article cannot change the minds of Ghanaians.

let me also take this opportunity to respond to this cowardly nincompoop a ruthless knucklehead and nonentity this so-called impudent Fredy Briston, who has symptoms of dementia that is most common disorder from his Alzheimer’s. As a result of Fredy Bristons Alzheimer’s disease it is not surprising that his brain periodically misfires to assimilate good information from Ghanaweb, due to Fredy Bristons inheritance of Alzheimer’s from his parents. Fredy Briston “says since 2007 I have been reading his articles which are not usually unintelligent, incoherent, and illogical” My question to this bastard is why should you waste your time to read something that is useless to you for almost three years? If you have not an Alzheimer dsisease, then you are more than stupid fool. For your information I do not get my source to write my articles from the so-called London Times or copy information from the GNPC websites. That would be unintelligent and non-educative for an intelligent person like myself. In America we called it plagiarism. I am also ready to teach you and half of your criminal NDC members how to write informative and grammatically good English articles. Good writers have different styles of writing. You don’t know this due to your limited of education. Your stupid spurious baseless article without any substance to answer the question I asked your criminal bosses who are now helping you to move you from his mud house he shares with his mother. I will continue to feed credible information to the public and those who are less fortunate to have information’s on (P) NDC criminal politician’s dubious behavior of stealing from our nation ever since 1981, people who cannot defend themselves like you like to change the subject. You can attack my logic syntax and diction as much as you like but it won’t change the facts. I am only interested in the facts and truth that is all you will ever hear from me! You dick skull!!

During the NPP administration auditors from (VAT) those collecting the State tax revenues found that Ato Ahwoi and his brother Kwamena Ahwoi owe the state over ten billion old cedis GH 10. billion cedis on the electricity company and taxes from internal revenues. These come from the dubious company they purchased during the (P) NDC era from the French Stone & road construction Company called Lamax in Kumasi Boukroum, which was near the Kumasi airport. The NPP administration closed the company down for nonpayment of State taxes. Since the NDC came to power they have reopened the company without paying their taxes. This is what Ghanaians are getting from Attah Mills and his criminal associates.