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Opinions of Thursday, 4 December 2008

Columnist: Onipa Ba

NDC Facing Imminent Defeat

NDC Facing Imminent Defeat; Desperately Resorts To Baseless Character Assassination. Ghanaian Voter Beware Part II

You have read or heard by now the NDC’s negative and dirty campaign. The NDC accuses Hon. Nana Akkufo-Addo (Nana) of illegal activities and it claims that Maame Dokono (Madam Omaboe), has been implicated in an illicit drug deal in South Africa. When it comes to criminal activity, the NDC notoriously delivers to an extent unmatched in the nation’s history. Undeniably, the whole NDC organization constitutes a criminal enterprise and I will substantiate all my claims in the latter paragraphs of this piece.

First, I wish to adequately address the issue of the alleged transfer of funds from the Barclays Bank (London) accounts of the late Gen. Afrifa, so that the public can view it in the right perspective if indeed it did take place. As avid followers of Ghanaian news may recall, recently a story was published in the media profiling the regeneration of the current NPP from the PP and UP. published this story as well. The article explained that Nana almost single-handedly financed the entire undertaking with his own resources and he had some financial support from the late Gen. Afrifa. Thus, the two men had a common interest and a joint venture and it is only natural that in such situations money would exchange hands and move from one place to the other, to further the common agenda.

This whole idea of philanthropy and donating money to a cause close to one’s heart has not taken root in Ghana and it is almost alien to the Ghanaian culture and only a handful who are ahead of their contemporaries are in tune with it. Elsewhere, it is common practice for an individual to donate a big portion of his/her entire wealth to further a cause in which they believe. A first such example is the Hershey Foundation (the chocolate magnate) located in Hershey, Pennsylvania. The proprietor of this industry believed very strongly in the education of young people but he and his wife could not have one so they directed in their will that the revenue from the Hershey Chocolate Company be used to provide not just ordinary education but top notch education for children who would attend the Hershey High School. Today, the Hershey High School probably has more money in its endowment than most universities and colleges. The second example is a similar action by the late Carnegie which led to the birth of Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Often, the philanthropist would entrust their associates, not family members, to continue to use their (the philanthropists’) resources or a designated portion thereof, to advance the cause even after the death of the philanthropist. This, I suspect is what happened between Nana and Gen. Afrifa. Gen. Afrifa was a strong proponent of democratic principles so is Nana. It is not strange that Gen. Afrifa would donate some money to be used to further salvage the principles of democracy as enshrined in the ideals of UP, PP and the current NPP. Both men subscribed to these great ideals.

On the issue of Madam Omaboe, she has categorically denied ever setting foot on the soils of the Republic of South Africa, let alone being involved in any legal malfeasance in that country. With their entitlement to automatic diplomatic immunity, what would the South African Embassy in Ghana be afraid of to come and disclose the truth, if Madam Omaboe’s assertions were not true ? The Embassy has not, because the NDC’s story is not true.

If the NDC wants to hunt criminals, that is a great idea. However, I think they are going about it the wrong way. The most efficient approach, which guarantees a successful outcome is for the NDC to go look at the dressing mirrors in their bedrooms, there is a criminal standing in each one of those mirrors. That would be the surest criminal to catch.

As I mentioned earlier, the entire NDC organization constitutes a criminal enterprise. A couple of days ago, reported an accurate account by Hon. Kwabena Agyepong in which he correctly cited a long list of illegal drug activities involving top operatives, family members and functionaries within this movement from its inception as the P(NDC) to the current NDC. JJ Rawling, the chief criminal among them has trampled under his feet not one law of the nation but an entire national constitution on more than one occasion. Subversive acts constitute breach of the law and for that matter they are criminal activities as well. Under their belt of criminal accomplishments are the murder of the supreme court judges, stealing of state funds by Tsikata who is in incarceration for the offence, theft of state funds by the late Serlomey, theft of state funds by Abodapki, the disappearance of several non-Ewe Ghanaians, theft of state funds by Agyeman Konadu Rawlings through divestiture of the Nsawam Canary. The rap sheet of the NDC is so long that I cannot list all of it here, however, the last but not the least is the theft of seven million dollars of state funds by JJ Rawlings as was recently pointed out by Hon. J. H. Mensah.

In summary, all the negative and dirty campaigns by the NDC are complete lies meant to throw dust into the eyes of the Ghanaian voter, because the NDC senses imminent defeat in December. On the basis of their tribalistic, murderous and treacherous history which is engraved in their twenty year reign, no Ewe can successfully carry the mantle of the NDC to sit in the seat at the Castle, through lawful democratic elections. Thus the only way for them to get there would be to use a non-Ewe to acquire power and latter wrestle power from him as they have done to many non-Ewes in the past. Thus a vote for Atta-Mills is a vote that could potentially put Ghana under Ewe rule again. This would be a setback for Ghana and it would be accompanied by its hallmark, namely tribal discrimination against non-Ewes, employment discrimination against non-Ewes, violent atrocities against non-Ewes and complete disenfranchisement of non-Ewe’s in Ghana, even though the Ewes are a minority tribe in Ghana.

Ironically and most appropriately, the rest of the tribes in Ghana do not harbor against the Ewe, the animosity or the discriminatory practices that they uphold against members of other tribes. Thus, it would be better to have a non-Ewe administration that would salvage the rights of all Ghanaians including the rights of the Ewe, than install an Ewe administration that would disenfranchise all other tribes in Ghana.


Onipa Ba