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Opinions of Monday, 16 May 2011

Columnist: Agbodza, Christian

NDC Free Market Land Lawlessness in Dome

In the area of Dome called Cambodia a NDC top guru is openly stealing land(s) sold as far as back as 1972 by the Onomakro-Adain family of Dome.

Readers will recall that the CPP Government of the First Republic acquired the lands in Dome for the Kwabenya Atomic Plant. The equipment for the Plant arrived after the February 1966 overthrow of the CPP Government.

After the CPP’s overthrow, the construction of the atomic plant did not go according to Plan just as nothing in Ghana has gone according to plan after the CPP was unlawfully removed from office.

The Government of Ghana (GOG) therefore decided to return the acquired Atomic Lands to the family of Onomakro-Adain.

The problem is that the Onomakro-Adain family has already sold most of the prime land, especially those by the road-side, if not all the land before GOG has even legally returned the land to them.

What is more, they are reselling land(s) that have already been sold with the overt and covert connivance of The Ghana Police Service, The local Assembly and the NDC in Dome.

The modus operandi is to tell tenants that they are the original owners and that current owners do not possess documents contrary to the truth, bribe the tenants 500-1000 cedis each in some cases to move quietly; and then with heavy equipment bulldoze current property/walls. They then take seats on the site unlawfully protected by corrupt and bribed members of The Ghana Police Service, the strategy being so that work can be speeded up to roofing level to make the land unrecoverable.

It is interesting that the Chairman of The Council of State does not live far from where some of the thefts are openly taking place.

The lawless, wicked and violent PNDC origin of the NDC is not in doubt. Some of the lawless liberals who Zaya Yeebo in his book Ghana: The Struggle for Popular Power: Rawlings, Saviour or Demagogue famously calls The Dzelukope Mafia were behind the coup, the formation of the National Alliance of Liberals (NAL), the destruction of the PNP Government (1981) and the subsequent formation of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

The NDC led by Professor Mills today claim they are social democrats and continue to implement free market policies which provides them with the cloak under which free market theft of other peoples’ land is taking place paid for by the 10% on free market contracts.

What is worrying is the blatant and arrogant determination of the NDC to act contrary to the laws of Ghana while seeking our vote to remain in office.

Some of the victims of this corrupt free market conduct have gone to the High Court of Ghana to seek redress rather return violence and the counter-destruction of property.

The Onomakro-Adain Family head and other parties such as the building firm/ workers of these lawless and corrupt acts have been served notices to seek injunction at the High Court of The 4th Republic of Ghana. Accordingly, they are procedurally expected following the service of the notice to seek injunction to halt work until the case comes to court for the decision of The High Court.

But the NDC guru/The Onomakro-Adain Family Head in blatant disregard for the notice to seek injunction are rather speedily building on the land(s) they are actively stealing to claim the land because the building has reached roofing level or is complete.

This blatant stealing and re-selling of land by Family Heads who in some cases forge fraudulent sale documents which are accepted by The Lands Commission without proper verification must be stopped.

The current head of the Onomakro-Adain Family of Dome who was not the family head in 1972 when the family sold some of the said lands and who is being backed by The Ghana Police Service branches at The Atomic Police Station and the Main Divisional Police Command overseeing Kwabenya/Dome must all be stopped.

Ghana must be free and just as our founding fathers first dreamed; our judiciary under Her Ladyship Georgina Wood must do justice and be seen to be doing justice.

Ghanaians cannot continue to put their fate in the hands of the NDC party whose top gurus are determined to back corruption and continued lawlessness in Ghana.

If this NDC lawlessness continues, is Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo Addo not right to say “all die be die”?

By Christian Agbodza