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Opinions of Friday, 10 February 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC "Gya me Dwendwene"

The NDC party has taken Ghana back to the era of the late President Hilla Limann. The current occurrences in Ghana where the government and members of the NDC ruling party are neck deep in wanton corruption reminisces the People's National Party's (PNP) era. Same abominable situation was the order of the day. The difficulty of President Limann controlling corruptible people like Hon. Krobo Edusei alias "Jesus is my Lawyer", and Nana Okutwere Bekoe, once led President Limann to utter out of frustration the phrase or statement, "Ghana gya me dwendwene" Simply put, the dismally criminal activities glaringly in perpetration by members of his government were too worrying to cause him insurmountable concern.

Most members of the NDC are taking Ghana for a rough ride. They are committing repugnant crimes with impunity. Sadly enough, some Ghanaians have still not detected how selfish and insatiably greedy these members are and so are ready to fall for their trickery all of the time.

Anyway, this article is directed at those NDC party members who are very much aware of the crimes their colleagues are committing against Mother Ghana yet are unwilling to expose them. They always claim on air or on paper that were they to tell Ghanaians what deplorable crimes their fellows are committing against Ghanaians, it will be more than enough to collapse their NDC party. Are the attitudes of these people withholding vital though damaging information about their fellow NDC comrades doing Ghanaians any good? No! They are only party centred; their hearts far removed from anything having to do with the greater interest of Ghana and Ghanaians.

Not long ago, Bernard Allotey Jacobs, the NDC's Central Region's spokesperson or whatever he classifies himself as, had a fall out with Ama Benyiwa Doe, the Central Regional Minister. Allotey was all over the place and on air alleging that were he to reveal what Ama Benyiwa Doe was doing the NDC will collapse. However, because of the respect he has for President Mills and for the sake of the NDC party, he was not going to reveal them. What are the gargantuan crimes Ama Benyiwa Doe is committing in the Central region in her capacity as the Minister that Allotey is hiding from Ghanaians? All we know so far is Ama is dubiously putting up houses of her own in Accra and Central region. She is abusing her position to enrich herself. Can Allotey tell us what we do not yet know about Ama's crimes?

Furthermore, the recently sacked Attorney General, Very Hon. Martin Amidu also makes similar claims. He comes up with allegation of gargantuan crimes in orchestrated perpetration by some NDC gurus the revelation of which is able to cost the NDC their election 2012 fortunes. He said he was preparing to prosecute them in court. No sooner had he come out boldly to threaten the NDC and their rented bogus newspapers that are throwing dust into Ghanaians' eyes than President Mills booted him out of office. We, the concerned Ghanaians, are waiting on Martin Amidu, to come out with the names and crimes the purported NDC criminals are committing. Forget about trying to save your rogue NDC party at the expense of Mother Ghana.

I have also read in Dr. Nana Okum Kra Kwabena Agyei's letter to President Mills summoning him and some NDC top brass to a "very urgent" meeting making similar bastardising claims. I quote him, "Mr. President, I do hope that you understand, as much as I do, the seriousness of the threat to our great Party if I am forced to go public to cleanse my assassinated character hatched within the Party, and more importantly take the needed steps to straighten up the Party itself" This statement is self-explanatory without further need for expounding by me.

Why are all these people and many more within the NDC hiding information from Ghanaians just for the sake and unity of their party? Why should Ghanaians allow such stomach-politicking individuals to rule Ghana any further? They have to be compelled to come out with whatever is bothering them that has the capacity to bring the thieving NDC party to her blistered knees.

The above goes to tell how the NDC as a bunch of thieving individuals are ripping Ghana economically apart. I hope for the day that discerning Ghanaians will throw them into jail for the crimes they have committed against Mother Ghana. I pray they never get tied to posts at the Labadi Beach firing range and shot as did Rawlings to some former leaders and Government Ministers.

Rockson Adofo