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Opinions of Sunday, 17 February 2008

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

NDC Is Hooked Onto a Life-Support System

The former ruling party has been fairly successfully using infiltrators planted among the top-echelons of the ruling New Patriotic Party for some time now. The apogee of such internal collaboration occurred during the hectic run-up to the NPP’s National Delegates’ Congress of December 22-23, 2007. Back then, his main competitors had their brazen campaign operatives ominously claiming that any attempt to elect the party’s then heir apparent augured doom for both the party as well as the nation at large.

In sum, it had regrettably become apparent that the 20-year stranglehold of the so-called National Democratic Congress had virtually reduced even those prominent politicians who would occupy either the Osu Castle or the Flagstaff House into virtual serfs for the political comfort of the infamous Butcher-of-Dzelukope. One campaign operative even ventured to the unpardonable extent of proudly and self-righteously claiming that the current presidential candidate of the ruling New Patriotic Party possessed an elaborate agenda aimed at liquidating the former Ghana Air Force pilot, whose government directly caused the mass murder of more Ghanaians than any other government since 1957, including the so-called Convention People’s Party regime.

Now though, the real revolution – with a capital “R” – is beginning to take shape among the charlatanic ranks of the so-called National Democratic Congress (NDC); and that Revolution comes in the form of what Americans call a “reality check.” And that reality check has been staring at the deathly faces of the so-called National Executive Committee (NEC) of the National Democratic Congress for some time now. Alas, the NDC executive have been too, characteristically, engrossed in their politics of abject denial to confront truth and reality, as only the brave and honest know how. For, needless to say, the executive ranks of the NDC is almost wholly composed of the cowardly and fraudulent.

The NDC is also known as “The Party of Bullies,” which is why recently the NEC of the NDC crudely and brutally condemned its Member of Parliament for Lower Manya-Krobo, for frankly, boldly and fearlessly letting the proverbial cat out of the bag regarding the precipitously declining health of Professor John Evans Atta-Mills, the perennially entrenched presidential candidate of the Rawlings Corporation (RC-P/NDC).

We would not use the name of the Lower Manya-Krobo MP, because as has become characteristic of the Ghanaian media, the man’s name has been variously given as Mr. Teye Nyaonu (by the Ghana News Agency) and Mr. Michael Nyaunor by the Ghanaian Chronicle, to which daily the NDC-MP granted his juicily revealing interview.

In poignantly exposing his fellow party members, this is what the Manya-Krobo MP told the Chronicle and, in effect, the Ghanaian electorate at large: “Let us go to Congress [once again] and elect another flagbearer. Let’s not behave like ostriches and pretend we don’t have a problem.”

Of course, the overwhelming majority of the Ghanaian electorate has always known that the NDC has not one or two but legion problems. Aside from the visible indisposition of its flagbearer, the NDC also has no constructive agenda for the country’s development, besides attempting to hoodwink voters into allowing the NDC to re-take the reins of governance and continuing to do what it does best, which is rob Ghanaians white and clean.

It was also not in the least bit surprising that less than 24 hours after honestly revealing the reality of Professor Atta-Mills’ morbid state of health, that the Lower Manya-Krobo MP would be summoned before the NDC-Sanhedrin and be forced to recant, upon the threat of you know what. Already, some NDC hacks are calling for the MP’s head on a gilt platter. And maybe, contrary to credible reports, the Manya-Krobo member of the august House of the Ghanaian parliament was neither threatened (not even implicitly) nor even manhandled. Still, it bears observing the incontrovertible fact that the NDC is notorious for its oxymoronic use of the English language.

Thus, for instance, in inviting the “criminal suspect” for trial before the NDC-Sanhedrin, Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketia (a.k.a. General Mosquito) had this rather disingenuous remark to make: “Whilst the party respects Mr. Teye Nyaonu’s right to express his view, the party finds [his interview with the Ghanaian Chronicle to be] uninformed, distasteful and unethical.”

It is also significant to observe that the bean-spilling MP is also described by the Chronicle as a ranking NDC member of the National Assembly, which vehemently contradicts General Mosquito’s rather cavalier assertion that the Manya-Krobo MP is “uninformed” about the questionable health status of Professor Atta-Mills. We must also hasten to add the fact that what might be “distasteful” to a diehard party operative, specifically hired to defend and protect the interests of the party by hook or crook, may not necessarily be a gross misrepresentation of the fact, the truth and the reality.

Indeed, in the picture accompanying the Chronicle article, which also appeared in the edition of January 31, 2008, Professor Atta-Mills looks visibly morbid and drastically emaciated, particularly in the cheek area, with his cheekbones almost threatening to jut out of his skin. Doubtless, for the likes of Mr. Asiedu-Nketia this may yet signal the ravenous hunger of both Professor Atta-Mills and the NDC for power. And, needless to say, Ghanaian voters know far better than to passively and thoughtlessly submit themselves to another marathon bout of an eerie and sanguinary culture of silence.

*Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D., is Associate Professor of English and Journalism at Nassau Community College of the State University of New York, Garden City. E-mail: [email protected].

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