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Opinions of Sunday, 13 November 2011

Columnist: Agyare, Kwasi

NDC Is To Suffer Avalanche Of Defection Soon

With the ever soaring popularity of the NPP flag bearer Nana Akufo Addo, as
confessed by the recent statement of the NDC founder, the former President Rawlings,
and the no-ending chaotic relations between the Over-Lord of the ruling party and
his yesteryears house boys, also, the less charisma, and non charming Mills
leadership, a number of the ruling party´s top guns are holding under cover of
darkness talks with the main opposition party[ the NPP,] and other parties, as
election 2012 date melting from years to months and into days. Thus, according to an
influential voice at the office, director of communication at the presidency, the
said voice also commented on number of failed lethal efforts to castrate the
character of Nana Akufo Addo, as means to amputate his all time inflating popularity
among electorates. Yet all the lethal dose prescriptions, prescribed by the NDC
chief character assassins (Baba Jamal and his Al shabab Team B group) were
not lethal enough to get the job done. And the possibility of holding on to power
after the 2012 election is nowhere to be seen on the radar, therefore, most
die-hard guys are on move to find safe haven under the shelter of the Elephant. And
the defection will see a number NDC top guns going back to their roots, to see how
best they can stay politically alive.
Another unfriendly factors contributing to this sea of defection is the issue of
"Esau" Boakye Gyan and the party´s prodigal son Obed Asamoah, the two men whose
recent ordination into the party have pushed the said chaotic situation with the pro
and anti camps into cat and dog games, so also is the infamous comments of one time,
the former first family steward Asiedu Nketia, who seems to have grow horns these
days, by calling the very man
who called him out of nothing to the political hall of fame, as the barking dog.
With the former first family, telling the greedy bastards to go alone this time
around, the path seems be very unsure to the Mills/Mahama camp. Another black and
white evident of how dim the chances of holding on to power after the 2012, is the
property grab epidemic among the ruling ranks and some of their Jr. ministers both
in Ghana and abroad. The unmistakable "elephant foot prints indication" of how
rough and unsure the future seems to the Mills/Mahama´s boys, can be seen on the
recent mad-rushed queued up of the party´s top appointees and their families to
pick up forms to contest for the party primaries, among them is the Ghana`s sitting
foreign minister and his wife, that, the party lost of power will see them off from
office but not from Ghanaian politics. God bless Ghana.

Kwasi Agyare