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Opinions of Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Columnist: Akudago, Kizito M.

NDC Must Unite

The NDC has for a while now witnessed some peace and harmony. This development has been heart-warming for many members. What we expect party leadership to do is to take advantage of it and try to reconcile the party. In the last NDC administration, the party suffered so much division, acrimony and rancour which true members a, sympathisers and lovers of the NDC will not like to witness again.

The decision to disqualify Kofi Adams from contesting the Buem seat as a Member of Parliament is one such instance that has the effect of reversing the great strides we have collectively made as a family, that is to bury the hatched and let the past be while we forge ahead. We couldn’t have been presented with a better opportunity to prove we are reconciled and to test our strength in unity than this. Much as some of us think the decision to disqualify Kofi Adams wasn’t a good one and has only succeeded in depriving the people of Buem and the NDC of a fearless, courageous and quality leader, a decision has been made and we need to move on with some lessons.

It is true that every public action must ultimately have authority in law or an existing legislation such as the NDC constitution. However we must be reminded of the fact that, political party organisations are social setups and many institutions and even governments rely on various forms of persuasion to gain the support or tolerance of its members and people as the case may be. This understanding is legally unimpeachable so long as it is within the powers of any authority and in this particular case the party executives to have reinstated Kofi Adams for the sake of party unity, reconciliation and cohesion as was done for other party deserters from the Democratic Freedom Party.

We all do recall the assurance of H. E. President John Mahama, leader of the party to unite the party. His humble demeanour should speak for and reflect as the new face of the NDC. He has shown and demonstrated to us that, he is willing to forgive, unite and need everyone on board. Whether we admit it or not this has brought some pleasant calmness in the party with all “factions” if any interacting with some level of respect for each other. This is not the time to ruffle the feathers. We are a government now and leadership is critical at a time when we have an unreasonable opposition promising hell fire and brimstone. In the face of this, party unity is a must. This must start with leadership. Once members see a sense of unity coming from the top, naturally supporter and sympathisers will be inspired to do same even if it is symbolic. So far I think the legislature has shown to the world and Ghanaians for that matter that, the NDC is capable of leading the country. President Mahama is in the process of forming his government. We must trust in his sense of judgment and duty of purpose and give him the maximum support. It is for this reason that the party need to take a critical look at its conflict resolution mechanism again. We need the current harmony in other to govern and provide Ghanaians with the quality education, shelter, cloths, good and accessible roads, decent meals and all that we promised them.

To the aggrieved person(s) and in this case Mr. Adams, my friendly and brotherly advise to him is that, he should remain calm and not let emotions lead him into taking a decision which will further muddy the waters and put him a bad light and in conflict with the party again.

There are always choices in life. One of such important decisions of choice we all made is the fact that, we have chosen to be members of the great National democratic Congress. The NDC constitution was made for us and not us for the constitution. I think we need every one and more members in the party. Let us not punish one of our own by biting him so hard to the bone as a prodigal. Party unity, reconciliation is a must!! Thank you.

Kizito M. Akudago NDC youth