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Opinions of Saturday, 4 October 2008

Columnist: Natogmah Issahaku

NDC, NPP, and CPP react – Seeking Peace or Beating War Drums?

Dagbon Violence: NDC, NPP, and CPP react – Seeking Peace or Beating War Drums?

The September 1, 2008 violence in Gushegu may have exposed the true character of the various political parties in our current democratic dispensation. The very first reactions by the various leaders of NDC, NPP, and CPP when they visited the scene of the mayhem quipped us with some fresh revelations about the people we (Ghanaians) entrust our fate, and sometimes, our dear lives. Surprisingly, or rather unsurprisingly, the messages these political leaders issued to the suffering and bereaving victims fell in a spectrum, from positive to negative, or if you will, from maturity to belligerency.

There is no need, at this juncture, to rehash the details of the individual messages expressed to the victims of the Gushegu carnage, nevertheless, it is worthwhile noting that, embedded in those messages were the real political character of the leaders vis-à-vis Dagbon. NDC and CPP called for peace and calm, and NPP for confrontation and war drums. According to the GNA news item for September 10, 2008, issued in Gushegu, the NPP leadership was quoted to have made the following statement: “The New Patriotic Party (NPP) has said it would resist intimidation by the National Democratic Congress (NDC) that has the tendency to frighten the electorate to vote it into power in the 2008 Election.” Factually, there was definitively an argument between supporters of NDC and NPP over the setting up of a pavilion, but no intimidation, to say the least, to warrant the carnage. In any case, the setting in Gushegu after the carnage was not the right place and the right moment for the NPP leadership to make such statement. For obvious reasons, Dagbon is the only place in Ghana where the call for confrontation or violence can easily be made. What a big shame!

Fellow Dagombas, with the electioneering becoming more inflammable by the day and Dagbon more vulnerable than ever, I call upon you not to be deceived or fooled by greedy, self-seeking, divisive politicians to cause mayhem against fellow Dagombas for political or chieftaincy gains. The reason is simple - Dagbon is going to be destroyed; Dagomba lives truncated; and our poor women and children made to suffer; not other traditional areas and their people. Dagombas should realize by now, that, they are being used by non-Dagombas and some unpatriotic, self-destructive, non-royal Dagomba politicians to destroy Dagbon and to oversee the persistent underdevelopment and disunity of Dagbon. Ironically, the stokers of anarchy in Dagbon are the very ones who have abandoned Dagbon and are living in their very comfortable homes in Accra and elsewhere, and no matter how wildly Dagbon is burning they will be safe. These political predators prey on Dagbon because they see us as easy targets; ignorance and poverty being our weak spots. It is high time we wised up and not permit ourselves to fall victims again to those unscrupulous politicians. The earlier we (Dagombas) see through this intrigue the better for us and for the future of Dagbon. After all, how long can we allow peace and development to continue to be at loggerheads in Dagbon?

So politicians, please leave Dagombas and Dagbon alone! Let peace reign in Dagbon, do not make Dagbon the “Waterloo” for your bloody political battles. Our women and children need peace and prosperity just like everyone else in Ghana. Our children need peace in order to have education to fight the ignorance and abject poverty that have plagued Dagbon for several years now. Dagbon needs peace to see to the development and prosperity of his people (Dagbon has a primogenital tradition, hence reference with masculine pronouns). Irksomely, while some of us (Dagombas) are fighting to forge peace, some politicians are beating war drums in Dagbon just to see to continued chaos and disunity.

Police, be as professional and fair as you possibly can in performing your duty by arresting those who are out to cause havoc in Dagbon during the run up to the elections in December. The political affiliation of criminals or potential trouble-makers should not dampen your determination to keep law and order in Dagbon. When you have very reliable information about potential trouble-makers try to preempt them by arresting them to prevent mayhem; do not wait until the damage is done before you react. Meanwhile, it is imperative for you to maintain a single-standard in hunting down criminals – do not give a sword to members of one party and a needle to the other.

As Dagombas, and as Ghanaians, we should all aspire for peace, preach peace, and act peace. What all Ghanaians should remember is that a nation divided is a nation defeated. War or violence is never good for anyone, because eventually, everyone will end up as losers and Ghana would defeat herself. Politics and chieftaincy are not worth warring for. Peaceful dialogue is always the way forward. Only dead cowards and stupid minds engage in violence.

Peace for Dagbon! Peace for Ghana!

Thank you.

By: Natogmah Issahaku

(Dagbon Peace, Re-unification, and Development Advocate)

Hails from Jisonaayilli, Tamale