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Opinions of Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Columnist: Ali, Prince Justice

NDC Needs A House Cleaning Exercise Now.

The saying goes that ‘Leadership is the cause; everything else is the effect’. All that we are seeing today clearly manifests the inner orientation of JM Administration. An administration that is uncharacteristic of NDC, a social democratic party. An administration that is impregnated with seemingly tangible excuses for every failure. Apparently clear is that far more energy is spent on prefabricating the excuses than it is done to fixing problems.

My Brothers and Sisters, fellow Countrymen and Women; honestly, I cursed the very day I championed and campaigned vigorously and aggressively to carve votes for JM to be elected as the President. It is absolutely clear that JM is a massive failure; he can never deliver to the ideology of NDC.

With all seriousness, it won't be bad to describe JM as a clueless and indecisive President, who systematically appointed and surrounded himself with gargantuan liars, and senseless and corrupt ministers. Covertly and overtly, JM and his insensitive ministers have almost milked down the economy. It is only foolhardy NDC persons who may still think that we are better of even with this ‘hard’ and ‘harsh’ economy. The least said about JM ungodly heart towards fixing the current challenges and the messed up economy the better.

Had it not been my sincere conviction and for the sake of my political godfather and mentor, I would have dashed my dreams of remaining in this party. Pondering over the current fuel shortage, I wonder if JM and his team of commercial liars and insensitive ministers really have Ghanaians at heart and do think outside the box. They often think within the box if not how comes we are faced with this hardship and fuel shortages. Why all these countless strikes and demonstrations all over the place?

Undeniably, the President and his credulous ministers care less about what we as a nation are confronted with. A civil servant has worked more than a year without being paid. Where and what do you expect him/her to feed on? Sometimes, I shed tears for us the ordinary Ghanaians whenever I think about the current economic situations: the massive graduate unemployment contrasted with the superfluous corruption. Just don’t think but open your ears and your eardrums are vibrated with CATEGORY A corrupt syndicates such as SADA, SUBAH and GYEEDA.

I share the same sentiment with people who described JM’s recent reshuffling of ministers as awkward. Amid the uninterrupted downfall of the ‘once-stable’ Ghana cedi against the dollar and the other hard currencies, Seth Tekper is still at post. Without any single spot improvement of any feeder road, Alhaji Amidu is re-shuttled to the Upper West Region for the 4th time. How many times must this man administer Wa? No wonder he is somehow a persona non grata there. Despite the gross misspending at the World Cup, Elvis Ankrah, the zip-less man, is still part of the Government. Whilst we are still struggling to imagine why NPA paid US $700.000.00 annual rent, BOST is reported to have also rented an uncompleted building at US $480.000.00 per annum.

From the above, Mr JM, where is the evidence that there’s no money in the system? Probably, there’s no money for them to inject into the economy to create opportunities for the rest of us to get our dailies, but there’s sufficient for them to be spending needlessly.

Upon all these troubles, JM doubtlessly goes to bed happily and wakes up same thinking he is the President of the nation. Mr JM, you are only the President of the Jubilee House. To curtail our predicaments and to uplift the sinking image of our party, we (the NDCs) must massively vote JM out during our next Congress. If we risk and allow JM to bamboozle his way through Congress, Ghanaians will reject us (NDC) totally in the 2016 General Elections. Many of his appointees are moles and can never reason out of the box.

I rest my case and invite objective and effective intellectual discourse to help us uplift and remedy the sinking image of our northern blood.

Written by Prince Justice Ali: The Sentimental Advocate For Development and Director of Communications of Young Democrats Sissala East Constituency.
