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Opinions of Monday, 2 January 2012

Columnist: Hayford, Kwesi Atta-Krufi

NDC New Year Honours List

The year 2011 has just gone past and we have entered a new year 2012. Let us all believe in the hope that in spite of the harsh economic conditions that made it impossible for Ghanaians to enjoy a meaningful yuletide, at least the people have not lost the spiritual import of the season.

The year 2011 was the NDC/Mills Action Year and this honours list is designed to recognise the outstanding contributions at whatever stage Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDA) and individual government appointees have made towards the success of the ‘Action Year’.

MDAs CATEGORY AWARDS- “Order of the Vulture” 1. Ministry of Health - Companion of the Order of the Vulture award for Doctors, Nurses and Health workers strike; for Health Minister embarking on holidays during doctors’ strike; for sacking one of the Ghana prominent medical doctors ‘Prof. Frimpong Boateng’ and the No-Show on NHIS one-time premium in 2011. 2. Ministry of Information - Member of the Order of the Vulture award - For creating credibility problems for the government with the theory of cow = sheep & black = white. The Prof Mills’ magical prowess and miracle performance where Mills prays for flood water to recedes. Information Ministry now the most unbelievable ministry or better dubbed the Ministry of Misinformation. 3. Ministry of Works and Housing - Companion of the Order of the Vulture award - For the failure of STX housing project and the resultant financial losses to the state and the persistent shortages of portable water supply in the national capital. 4. Ministry of Justice - Champion of the Order of the Vulture award - For failing to find Ya Na’s killers, and the great Woyomegate scandal. For surrendering over GHC2.7billion of so-called judgement debts to friends and chronies. And the inability to prosecute the 46 cases claimed against the previous government officials. 5. Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports - Member of the Order of the Vulture for breaking the 13 year record of BECE failure; the failure of Computer Schools Selection and Placement System (CSSPS); For the completion of Mills’ University of Propaganda at Volta and BA regions; and the failure to re-open the SHS school year until November 2011. 6. Finance Ministry; Member of the Order of the Vulture award for their inability to account for the Ghana crude oil sales. Bank of Ghana claims the state earned US$1.97 billion whereas the Finance Ministry claims only US$337.7 million is at hand. 7. Ministry of Energy; Member of the Order of the Vulture for the missing of 4.58 million barrels of crude oil from Jubilee Oil Field; for using dip-stick (ruler) to measure crude oil from FPSO Kwame Nkrumah at the Jubilee Oil Field rather than the approved ultrasonic flow meters. 8. Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology - Companion of the Order of the Vulture award for making Ghana the 2nd dirtiest country in Africa. Filth and technology dump, smoke and smog are the biggest achievement of this ministry. Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare - Champion of the Order of the Vulture for creating 1.6 million phantom jobs; for setting aside GH¢15million NYEP funding to be given to journalists to paint the government white all the time

INDIVIDUALS CATEGORY – Order of the Star of Vulture 1. Professor Mills – Grand Order of the Star of Vulture–for costing the nation $165,000 bill on one holiday plane parking charges in USA 2. John Mahama – Star of the Order of the Vulture –for dipping his grubby hands in every shady financial deal – STX, Akwatia Diamond, Collaterization, Oil deals like hedging etc 3. Paul Tawiah Quaye (IGP) –Medal of Gutter Award of the Vulture – for supervising cocaine turning into Sodium Bicarbonate at Police Headquarters and making the Police Service become the most corrupt institution in Ghana and for following Kobby Acheampong’s order to arrest and dismiss conscientious officers. 4. Kobby Acheampong –Companion of the star of the Vulture –for the infamous police barrier arrests and subsequent dismissal of policemen. 5. Alfred Agbesi Woyome- Member of the Order of the Vulture - for the famous Woyomegate of GHC51million. 6. Asiedu Nketiah –Officer of the Order of the Vulture –for mother of all block making @ Bui 7. Baba Jamal – Companion of the Order of the Vulture –for Cowgate credibility scandal 8. Hanna Louisa Bissiw – Member of the Order of the Vulture –for the most profligate primaries spending – buying a national TV airtime for her Tano South Primaries 9. Betty Mould Iddrisu –Supreme Officer of the Order of the Vulture for her 50-50 Y3nko nkoaa deal in the Woyomegate 10. Allotey & Benyiwah- Joint Members of the Order of the Vulture –for their Siamese tussle for contracts in Central Region

For these acts of gallantry in NDC’s interpretation of good governance and better Ghana we say ayekoo to them and wish them similar performance in 2012. We as Ghanaians should however remain steadfast and keep our hopes alive. As we usher in a new year, we should remember that it is a momentous year ahead- a year of bold actions that should ultimately see the restoration and triumph of truth, justice and morality especially at the helm of our nation's political establishment.

Happy New Year to you all and lets all hand in hand sing the Auld Lang Sine together symbolizing our kindness and friendship towards one another. We are all in this together.

Thoughts of the Native Son Kwesi Atta-Krufi, Hayford.