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Opinions of Saturday, 31 August 2013

Columnist: Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame

NDC Scofflaws Insult Supreme Court Judges

By Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.

Only the most unsophisticated Ghanaian would fail to readily appreciate the overriding objective of the allegedly leaked audiotape in which the young and exuberant Deputy Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party, Mr. Sammy Awuku, is supposedly heard telling some London-based members of Ghana's main opposition political party that most of the members of the Atuguba-presided panel of Supreme Court jurists, who just concluded hearing the Akufo-Addo/New Patriotic Party lawsuit challenging the legitimacy of the Mahama presidency, are ideologically sympathetic towards the Danquah-Busia-Dombo camp (See "Leaked Tape: Sammy Awuku In Trouble Again?" / 8/26/13).

Needless to say, this is a rather cheap and criminally distasteful attempt at preemptive political scapegoating; but it is, nonetheless, veritably integral to the pre-verdict psychological warfare that I predicted a couple, or so, weeks ago. And the main purpose of this obviously National Democratic Congress-generated trashy propaganda piece is to publicly concede defeat ahead of the Supreme Court verdict in the Akufo-Addo v. Mahama Election 2012 electoral fraud without seeming to do so.

And that is also the reason why the NDC is the only major Fourth Republican political party with the post of Propaganda Secretary - a faux-socialist carryover from the Nkrumah era - as a major portfolio. And, by the way, has anybody recognized the fact that the NDC portfolio of Propaganda Secretary also has the greatest turnover in occupancy among the ranks of the NDC executive membership?

In other words, it is a post especially parceled out to the most morally depraved, rascally and wicked apparatchiks of the NDC used primarily as a stepping stone, or launching pad, into the mainstream of Ghanaian politics - and do names like Richard Quarshigah and Fifi Kwetey ring a bell in the ears of the dear reader? And just where are these rascals and reprobates in the mainstream of Ghanaian politics today? And has anybody also questioned why the NDC propagandists did not go after a much bigger fish like Nana Akomea, the substantive Communications Director of the New Patriotic Party?

Well, it is primarily because Nana Akomea is far more articulate, astute, sophisticated and experienced to be brought down to the abjectly low and tawdry intellectual level of the NDC operatives. And this is also why I introduced Mr. Sammy Awuku at the beginning of this article with the purely behavioral adjective, or descriptive, of "exuberant." Indeed, in the recent past, I have had occasion to admonish the young man, in this very column, to be more disciplined and tactful with his public rhetoric and pronouncements.

You see, the key operatives of the NDC know that they have conclusively been exposed by Mr. Philip Addison for the criminal fraudsters that they clinically are; they also know that the global community has witnessed the widely televised judicial proceedings and did not arrive at any other sensible and forensically sound conclusion than the obvious fact of the Mahama posse, including Dr. Kwadwo Afari-Gyan, the Electoral Commissioner, of course, having deliberately and massively rigged Election 2012 in favor of their paymaster.

And so there is no other fighting chance, or recourse, left to the NDC's rabidly anti-Supreme Court terror-mongers but to obliquely attempt to criminally defame and malicious malign and densely insult the intelligence of the Supreme Court justices who heard the Akufo-Addo/NPP election petition. In brief, their main objective here is to cynically suggest that, somehow, President Kufuor has packed the highest court of the land with jurists who are blatantly and fanatically sympathetic to the liberal-democratic cause of the NPP. But, of course, most Ghanaians know far better. Most Ghanaians know that it was Mr. Rawlings, the founding-father of the so-called National Democratic Congress, who physically liquidated "undesirable" High and Supreme Court judges, and for some 19 protracted years, stacked up the Ghanaian judicial system with cancerous moral reprobates like "Justice" Francis Yaonasu Kpegah, the notorious Trokosi Nationalist.

Ironically, even one obnoxiously stentorian NDC hack who originally staunchly backed the selection of Justice William Atuguba as President of the Supreme Court Panel hearing the Election 2012 Presidential Petition, against the vehement conflict-of-interest misgivings of some leading members of the NPP, has now changed his tune and has even slyly insisted that there is absolutely no way that Justice Atuguba could be aptly described as a jurist with NDC ideological leanings, much less to talk of the latter's being a card-carrying NDC member.

The same hack has also described the Ghana Supreme Court as "a Dark Chamber" of abject corruption the "backdoor" of which is being cynically used by Nana Akufo-Addo to defend the politically untenable! That same hack has published a largely jejune pabulum of an article tendentiously captioned "Has the NPP's Sammy Awuku Let the Cat Out of the Bag?" And so, dear reader, you know these rascals and reprobates and inexcusably low species of humanity, accidentally designated as "Ghanaians," are darn mighty desperate to draw victory out of the infernal and sullen jowls of irredeemable defeat.

Fat chance!

*Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe, Jr., Ph.D.
Department of English
Nassau Community College of SUNY
Garden City, New York
August 26, 2013
E-mail: [email protected]