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Opinions of Friday, 8 June 2012

Columnist: Ansobie, Biliguo bie

NDC Sorrowful Mystery

In an earlier net-based publication I did remark that Mills three years in office has been marked by indiscretion and lethal corruption ranging from the Mabey & Johnson scandal through the Muntaka chinchinka and pampas to the gargantuan crimes and others. In a sequence I should have rather brought the chinchinka and pampas (plus the Zineyela mangana) first.

It is a well known fact that Rawlings ousted the Supreme Millitary Council regime and that of the People’s National Party based on corruption allegations and oppressive rule. As for the PNP no person was actually convicted. As Rawlings was justifying his June 4 insurgence last Sunday, he should have been mindful that rebellion should not amount to slaying a neighbour and turning around and falling into his very shoes. That is what is happening to the NDC today. But for my ardent admiration of democracy I should taken a gun by justification and drive Mills out of the Lunatic Asylum and head for the GBC.

The NDC has a long corruption history. It did not start with Dan Abodakpi and Victor Serlomy’s batch but dates back to the PNDC days itself. And you know well into the ’90s Rawlings himself was accused of corruption and no one drove him out in a similar vane. A catalogue of corruption allegations in the Atta Mills gov’t can be found in a net-based publication: MINISTERIAL CHANGES by one columnist Peter Antwi Boasiako. It is not in my interest to invoke that exposition now.

I was hearing in some circles that Major Boakye Djan, one of the architects of the June 4th later fell out with Rawlings even though some reportage indicates Rawlings says there is a reconciliation. But Boakye Djan’s comments on the same separate occasion of commemoration indicated that he was the real AFRC and JJ a mere war prisoner made ceremonial Head of State.

As one journalist puts it, it may not be June 4th which matters most but the NDC has not stood to its ideals. June 4th has lost its meaning and is not worth celebrating. It is simply a reminder of atrocities and should be banished by law just as the architects were indemnified by law.

Rawlings knows himself is guilty hence the rhetoric at Aflao. This man too was in the company of Bagbin in Tamale in a bid to mess the NDC up and turned around and gave a hypocritical warning. I hope for a day I would stage a duel in Accra to unseat the NDC with a words and pen as he did other governments with a gun.

I don’t know if Ghanaians care about our position on the Transparency International corruption perception index each year and its negative impact on us from the international community. It is not any laurel to rest upon by saying that Ghana is 7th on the Mo Ibrahim index for 2011. I believe such a position was possible because certain crimes were concealed from physical light. And this year with Woyome’s case alone we are likely to jump to a double digit, if it is any useful term.

At the time when over 45 embassies and high missions were owing rent abroad, government was busily masterminding plans to channel money into Woyome account for later sharing of the booty. At the time when Ghana was busily borrowing loans…

I don’t know if the Ghana Integrity Initiative, Ghana’s chapter of Transparency International, has been doing a thorough collation of cases or they only base their collections on official documents. I was surprised when the GII dashed quickly to the Volta region over a National Service Personnel who was thought to have vacated post but was still collecting his salary. I am unsure whether they are keeping accurate records of the Woyome’s case and whether they are ready to dash forth and blow whistles at government ministries and other notable speculations which they have been looking out for or they wait for others to do the trumpeting before.

I wonder whether the financial malfeasance in the health sector in 2009 was taken into proper account. And whether the Auditor General’s recommendations have always been abandoned in shelves to be challenged by cobwebs. It is irksome and harmful when you hear of increment in financial misappropriation of over 90%, even without thinking of any value. As I earlier hinted in a publication let’s be careful lest someone steals the Bank of Ghana and is only made to resign, and that certainly would be cost effective. JJ constantly grumbles on NDC lost high moral ground, but I wonder if it ever had any.

State institutions such as the Economic and Organized Crime Office as well as CHRAJ seem to be mere window dressings. Could we call the Public Accounts Committee another window dressing? Let me submit few premises. The President has the right to constitute a committee of enquiry in the interest of the public. The Council of State may be summoned by the President, Parliament or upon the request of at least five members of the council itself. A committee of enquiry may seek the assistance of the President in matters that are illegitimate for it to handle but which are necessary for the resolution of the problem at state. And anything that stems from an illegal base is itself illegal. And ignorance of the law is not an excuse for any breach of discipline. Just that!

I would not quote articles and clauses so as not to be accused of claiming knowledge of everything, but what I stand for is that an individual must be balanced like a balanced diet. I seek to have working knowledge in every field be it information technology, health, education, business, economy, and so forth since I count a lot in the holistic development of this nation.

People in an attempt to solve administrative and corruption allegations resort to illegal means based on illegal structures.

I stem up with youthful vibrancy but the beautiful ones are oppressed and sabotaged by the nations in every land and clime but our own seem to be generating margots.

My greatest hope is that I will forever live with this spirit of determinism against the odds and most cruel people in society. I don’t know how to continue but I think this is a voice that must be heard.

What pains most is when these perpetrators claim to be members of international organizations fighting corruption yet will not support any such crusade save for their personal interests.

I submit her a table of contents of identifiable persons and groups whom Bagbin and his compatriots interacted with on the gargantuan case that is about to drag the NDC government to the International Criminal Court.
o Bagbin meets my family and community members
o Bagbin meets DCE and party cadres, Sawla
o Bagbin meets my childhood cronies at Adom Fie, Kumasi
o Bagbin meets my ‘close’ female associates
o Bagbin meets Glory of God prayer group, Wa Diocese
o Bagbin meets Wa Secondary School Headmaster
o Bagbin meets my fellow past students of Wasec
o Bagbin meets Bazua Community, Bawku East Municipality
o Bagbin meets elites of Kulmasa
o Bagbin meets UDS administration & Navrongo campus lecturers
o Bagbin meets my colleague past students of UDS
o Bagbin meets past SRC Presidents of UDS
o Bagbin meets past Miss UDS
o Bagbin meets Emile Short to scan dairies
o Mills summons Council of State
o Bagbin meets staff of Girls Vocational School, Savelugu
o Bagbin meets Hon. Abdulai Adams (Kuga Fong Assemblyman, Savelugu)
o Bagbin meets my friends and Associates
o Bagbin meets National Service Cordinator
o Bagbin meets staff of Suntreso Government Hospital(SGH)
o Bagbin meets SGH nurses on romantic rating
o Bagbin meets my house people at Pankrono Estate, Kumasi
o Bagbin meets St. John of the Cross Catholic Church, Kumasi
o Bagbin meets my past teachers and taught students
o Bagbin meets teachers of Sekyedomase Senior High School

This list is by no means exhaustive.

I am like the tortoise in No Longer At Ease who had fallen into a pit of excrement for two market weeks and when helpers came to haul him up he said “Quick, quick, I can’t stand the stench.” Away with the NDC!