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Opinions of Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

NDC Spy Planted in NPP Exposes Himself

It struck the NPP like a thunderbolt when one of their Communication Directors tendered in his resignation letter a few days ago. Many Ghanaians will recall that not long ago, President Mahama asserted that some Africans have written to him, and impressed upon him the laudable idea of creating a Ministry of Ghanaians in Foreign lands. I personally read this news on Ghanaweb, and Peace Fm online.

It was not any Africans or Ghanaians as purported but a sole Ghanaian resident in France since 1980, called Mr. Michael Osei Mensah, aka Honourable, who sold that whimsical idea to President John Dramani Mahama. Michael is a self-styled industrialist and philanthropist but without anything, or much to point to in his field of philanthropy. I am not visually impaired but I cannot point out any philanthropic achievements to his credit. One thing I know is he is actively involved in property ownership business in France.

He recently met President Mahama in Turkey when the President travelled there in the wake of the US$80 million worth of gold saga. The international media had announced Ghana as the origin of the gold with many a Ghanaian speculating that President Mahama and the NDC were behind the deal perpetrating their usual acts of official corruption.

Only God knows what he went to discuss with the President. He took with him copies of his recently written book titled, "A Call for a Ministry of Ghanaians in Foreign lands with two subsidiary Parliamentary Seats from each Continent" From the title of his book, who else could have sold that erratic idea of creating the aforementioned Ministry to President Mahama?

Hardly had he launched his book last week in France at "La Breiche" buildings in Saint Denis, a suburb of Paris, when he tendered in his resignation as the Communication Director of NPP in France. There was a man later established to be an NDC bigwig purposely sent over from Ghana by the NDC to attend the book-launch.

Mr. Michael Osei Mensah claims to be the Founder & President of the Ghanaian Community in France. This claim is as preposterous as he is a snitch. When did he found a Ghanaian Community in France and in which area of France? I hope it is not in Paris and its environs of which, I have a perfect inside out knowledge and information.

Additionally, Michael, then the Communication Director of the NPP France had the shameless audacity characteristic of an "educated illiterate" overflowing with mischief, parochial mentality and harbouring selfish interests, to go public to admonish the NPP. He advised the NPP to stop pursuing the Electoral Commissioner and President Mahama in the Supreme Court over the alleged election fraud and move forward. He said his brother, Mr. Daniel Osei, contested the Asante-Akim North constituency parliamentary seat on the ticket of the NDC. His brother lost the election but he neither complained about it nor made any fuss as the NPP are doing. He went back to Accra peacefully. He does therefore not see the rational behind the efforts the NPP leadership is expending chasing the wind or moaning about spilt milk.

How can an NPP Communication Director speak like this if he was not a snitch as he has proved himself to be? Why did he meet President Mahama in Turkey? Why is he saying the President was highly impressed with him? Why did he come back to France to resign his position as the Communication Director of the NPP?

I am sure President Mahama has promised him a Deputy Ministerial post or may be looking into creating that useless ministry as suggested in his book for him to head. How can the President create such a Ministry when Kwadwo Afari Gyan is not even ready to allow Ghanaians in foreign lands to register to vote? Will all the Ghana foreign Embassies and High Commissions come under his proposed ministry? What a joker with the brain of the size of a pea seed.

NPP is suffering the sad fate confronting her today due to people like the one under discussion.

Rockson Adofo