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Opinions of Saturday, 30 August 2008

Columnist: Mensah, Humphrey Tettey

NDC The Obvious Choice


Leadership attributes are the inner or personal qualities that constitute effective leadership. These attributes include a large assortment of characteristics such as values, character, motives, habits, traits, motives, style, behaviors, and skills all of which Professor Atta-Mills has it all. THIS IS WHY I SUPPORT THE NDC. Anyone who gets a leadership position has not made it. It is only the beginning. Being a leader doesn't make you one. After you get to be the leadership of a group or a country, you are going to have to do a lot to earn the acceptance of the group members and have an influence on their behavior. Professor Mills and the NDC has been accepted by the people of Ghana because they care for the people, they will restore hope and alleviate poverty which has become a canker in society.

Effective leaders supply a shared vision and inspire people to achieve more than they may ever have dreamed possible. People change when they are emotionally engaged and committed. To inspire, you must both create resonance and move people with a compelling vision. You must embody what you ask of others, and be able to articulate a shared vision in a way that inspires others to act. You must offer a sense of common purpose beyond the day-to-day tasks, making work exciting and meaningful.

As a leader, you must envision the future and passionately believe that you can make a difference. You must see a changed world beyond the time horizon, create an ideal and unique an image of what it could become and believe that your dreams can become a reality. You must open eyes to your followers and lift their spirits. Through your attitude, magnetism and persuasion, you must enlist others in your dreams, breathe life into your vision and get people to see exciting opportunities and possibilities for the future. Professor Mills and the NDC will do as they promise. PROFESSOR MILLS IS THE OBVIOUS CHOICE.

Our dear country Ghana stands in need of a new leader, who is a true servant of the people, to boost her growth and development to economic prosperity based on respect for the will of the people. The nourishment of Ghana’s democracy and accomplishment of its potential depend on the association of all able men of benevolence. At this point in time of Ghana’s history, all citizens must ensure the emergence of a credible and focused leadership at the national level that will actualize the Ghanaian dream of affordable housing for all, access to basic social amenities, quality and affordable education, job creation especially for the youth, free enterprise, and a efficient economy. I strongly believe that, Professor Mills and the NDC fits the bill as the right and best leader to lead Ghana in 2009 because they have delineated their ability and will to lead the people of Ghana to a better place. VOTE ATTA-MILLS FOR A BETTER GHANA.

Beyond Professor Mills’s expertise, experience, competence, intellectual ability, vision, outstanding managerial skills, excellent leadership qualities and his service to mankind, I believe Atta-Mills is the man to lead Maame Ghana. I am supporting the Professor Mills and the NDC because, he has over the years worked tirelessly as a law professor, internal revenue commissioner, and most of all a Vice President for the advancement of this great nation of ours. As I listened patiently to Professor Mills evening encounter speech at the Alisa Hotel organized by the Institute of Economic Affairs (Ghana) which he answered about 35 questions from concerned citizens, I am convinced that he can do the work. YES HE CAN…..on his agenda as a next President of Ghana, he sold his plans to the electorates. His Convincing, compelling, exceptionally passionate and well versed on relevant issues; he has a Midas touch to lead Ghana.

Professor Atta-Mills is a visionary, competent, committed, credible, capable, versatile, charismatic, savvy, courteous, finest politician, appealing, inspirational, down to earth and affable tax expert and a lawyer, astute politician, transformational and effective leader, inspirational speaker and resource person, is how Professor Mills has been described in various political arena. He is deeply passionate about giving Ghana it’s long neglected place of pride and restore hope. A true nationalist, he is an issue-driven and humble grassroots politician, with a nationalistic fanaticism to move the nation forward in all ramifications. Professor Mills has an obvious understanding of the complex and worrisome challenges facing Ghana and has outlined lucid and practical programmes of brisk infrastructural and manpower development to gear them as such. His unfussiness, sincerity, and absolute forthrightness have won him the hearts of many Ghanaians who see him as a visionary leader they can trust.

Professor Mills when elected President of Ghana come December, will lead a selfless government which will habitually lead to long-term and extensive improvement in the human condition of the people. He has incessantly, verbally articulated his vision which demonstrates uniqueness and special commitment to the vision. As a proven leader he will definitely affect the change Ghanaians need. Professor Mills brings to the table credible leadership based on integrity, good character, commitment, compassion, courage and conviction to serve selflessly. The vision of Atta-Mills is to build a sustainable nation with a vibrant economy premeditated to serve the people’s interest in which good governance and transparency will be paramount. It is my fervent believe that, his attributes of prudence, probity, accountability, transparency, and genuine love for the people of Ghana gives him the edge over his opponents Given the current hardship in Ghana, Professor Mills’s integrity, shrewdness, determination, vision , humble and accommodating personality will be vital in resolving many of Ghana’s economic challenges.

Atta-Mills’s insight in governance is a proof that he can lead the Country. Unlike Akuffo-Addo who is just a looter and a crook. I don’t know about you but, as for me and my family we will vote for Professor Mills and the NDC for a better Ghana. . He is one person who will respect the constitution and will work diligently for the people of Ghana. Professor Mills and the great party NDC will change Ghana through his commitment, competence, character, creativity, cooperation, courage and conviction to stimulate the needed economic alteration of the nation. No nation would attain any meaningful development if it lacks such variables as effective leadership skills which Professor Mills offers with effortlessness, eminence human capital and effective institutions. He will fight corruption which will be done through personal example and leadership by example.

Professor Atta-Mills is committed to set of policies which will put Ghana on the path of high economic growth, tackle agriculture, healthcare, security, and restore hope. We will be anchored in increased domestic savings to support a heavy volume of investment in infrastructure. Our emphasis on infrastructure is deliberate. It is to facilitate industrial development to generate employment opportunities. Of course this will be done with macro and micro economic stability in mind, but we will not seek stability for its own sake. We will pursue a stable economic environment which has fiscal space to permit the financing of productive investment in infrastructure, health, education, agriculture and housing for the People. We will aim to eliminate existing loopholes in the tax exemption regime, and increase efficiency in revenue collection to mobilize resources to support accelerated economic development. And we will eliminate wasteful expenditures that do not contribute to growth or improvement in the socio economic circumstances of the people.

In particular, considering the fact that every Ghanaian pays the National Health Insurance Levy, we will make it truly national in scope to benefit every Ghanaian. The NDC’s programme to provide and rehabilitate health infrastructure for the existing three Teaching Hospitals and the Regional and District hospitals will be continued. Bolgatanga, Koforidua and Wa are the next in line for modern regional hospitals. Effia Nkwanta in Sekondi, Tamale regional hospitals will be rehabilitated and/or modernized to fit the status of Teaching Hospitals. The NDC also commits itself to construct appropriate accommodation for lecturers, housemen and students at the regional and teaching hospitals.

We will introduce a programme for training of physician assistants who will work directly below medical doctors. It will make up for the shortfall in the availability of fully fledged medical doctors and will be an important developmental innovation in health care delivery in this country. I envisage the programme offering new and challenging opportunities for many graduates in the sciences. In line with our policy to redefine national priorities, we will channel resources towards enhancing job satisfaction for personnel in the Health sector as we would for teachers and other category of civil and public sector employees.

The desperate economic condition of most Ghanaians is worsened by the rising crime wave. People are very concerned about crime with our streets becoming increasingly unsafe. Residents in many areas tell harrowing stories of extensive suffering at the hands of armed robbers.

I am also concerned about the dramatic growth in narcotic trafficking through and in Ghana. We have become a major transit point because corruption and the collaboration of people in powerful positions have increased the confidence of drug barons using Ghana as a transit point.THE NPP CAUSE ALL THESE MESS…..THIEVES ..COCAINE DEALERS…LOOTERS…CHEATER….CROOKS… The numerous probes into the narcotic trafficking have yielded little by way of concrete results. The perception within the international community is that the NPP government has created an environment in which cocaine barons go scot-free, and are even welcomed in high places. I am concerned about the correlation between the narcotic trade and the upsurge of crime. I am equally concerned about rising narcotic use and addiction among the country’s youth and its impact on health, especially the spread of HIV/Aids.


Humphrey Tettey Mensah (booker tee)

Email- [email protected]