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Opinions of Thursday, 12 May 2011

Columnist: Ahmed, Musah

NDC Would Mercilessly Be Rejected .....

Should Konadu Win The July Contest

Our party, the NDC for some weeks now has been on the front pages of newspapers for public discourse, both positively and negatively.

We, members of the NDC Zongo Youth for Victory 2012, have been concerned with the current development in our party and for which reason we embarked on a vigorous research in relation to the upcoming July congress meant for electing the flag-bearer of the party for the 2012 general elections.

Some of us, the grass-root supporters of the party , who served as polling agents for the party during the 2008 election, and as a result suffered various forms of brutalities in the Ashanti Region, think that the hardworking President Mills should not have been contested but rather be allowed to go for another term.

Fortunately and unfortunately, the former first lady, our mother, Mrs. Rawlings has also picked the flag-bearership form to contest him. This action of her has not been welcoming and pleasing to the majority of Ghanaian populace, both within and without the party, though others think the move is a historic one as it stands out to be an indication of a plus, in the party’s internal democracy.

Our research presents that Ghanaians would mercilessly reject the NDC come 2012 should Nana Konadu emerge victorious after the July flag-bearership contest, due to the following reasons:

First and foremost, many are those who have been alarming bitterly that Ghana does not belong to one family (meaning the Rawlingses) and would for that matter not vote for Nana Konadu should she be presented on the NDC ticket for the 2012 election. They continue to relate the scenario to the painful rejection of Dr. Addo Kuffour, a brother to the former President J.A Kuffour by the NPP delegates during their 2007 flag-bearership contest, with the reason that Ghanaians would not have accept him as they were not ready for a brother-go-brother- come system of leadership .

Also, many people especially those of us from the three Northern regions as well as most religious inclined people, mostly Muslims see no reason why they should vote for a lady such as Nana Konadu to be the leader of Ghana should she even win the flag-bearership contest, after their religion categorically speaks against it.

We believe it would interest fellow Ghanaians to know that Nana Akuffo Addo before the 2008 election contacted some of these Islamic religious scholars to seek their views on his choice of appointing Hajia Halima Mahama for the running mate stake of the NPP, who had to tell him (Nana Addo) that his party would have lost more votes to the NDC in Islamic communities, not for any other reason but because of such choice.

Imagining the response to the choice of a lady being considered for a running mate stake, what do you think would be of Nana Konadu, another lady running as a flag-bearer on the ticket of the NDC for the highest office of this country.

We members of the Zongo Youth for Victory 2012 humbly call on delegates to rightly and massively vote for President Mills come the July congress, to ascertain the successful continuity of the Better Ghana Agenda.

Let those of us in the NDC not forget that our opponents are following with keen interests the kind of campaigning that we would engage ourselves in, in canvassing supports for either the President or the former first lady.

Their prayer is that campaigners (either members of GAME or FONKAR) rain insults on aspirants, to create deep cracks in the party, which would be injurious to the NDC come 2012 general election. We therefore admonish all and sundry to use decent languages that are devoid of insults and personal attacks to be able to burry our opponents in shame, after the July congress and thus close all ranks to join hands to win and retain power come 2012 elections.

God bless Ghana.

God bless President Mills.

God bless Nana Konadu.

Musah Ahmed


(NDC Zongo Youth for Victory 2012)

0277-746279/ 0267-571107.