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Opinions of Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Columnist: Akamani, Prince

NDC delegates be wise and pick the right officers

The article by Mr. Halifax Ansah-Addo in the Daily Guide has some good points for NDC delegates to consider carefully. He pointed some interesting issues, which need no rocket scientist to figure out, because there will be lots of arms swinging in the 2016 General Elections.

The 2016 presidential election is going to be fierce, wicked, and brutal struggles between NDC and NPP. After three consecutive failures of doom, NPP will use all weapons of mass destruction to fight to win. Do not kid yourself NDC with a novice on the throne. Therefore, choose an experience Chairperson to lead the party.

As one said, the devil you know is better than the angel you do not know. If I were to pick the chairman of the party, I would consider and compare all the candidates.

Let’s look at some of the candidates’ experiences and achievements.

Dr. Kwabena Adjei: He is the present chair of the NDC. He is a doctor of Psychology and has taught for many years. He was a Member of Parliament (MP) with number of years in both AFRC and PNDC. He was once a cabinet member with various ministries. He worked under number of different governments of AFRC, PNRC, and NDC. He held many ministerial and public administration positions and with over forty (40 yrs) experience under his belt. Some of his attributes are beyond supreme reputation. Dr. Adjei led NDC into two presidential victories in 2008 and 2012 and won the electoral lawsuit against NPP.

Mr. Kofi Portuphy: is presently the National Coordinator of the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO). Mr. Portuphy has contributed in solving national disasters, but he has no political Chairmanship experience.

Ms. Betty Mould Iddrissu: is a lawyer by profession. Graduated from School of economics with a Master Degree in Economics. A professor at Ghana University, Attorney General of Ghana and minister of Education. She finally resigned in 2012 from her position. Ms. Iddrissu was mentioned in Mr. Woyome’s pending court case, which raises an issue. The problem here is she has no Chairmanship experience and this not the time for a novice.

Mr.Dan Abodakpi: was recently Ghana’s High Commissioner of Malaysia. He is an MP at Keta and a very good patriotic former chairman. With some limited constituency chairmanship and good diplomatic experience, but not at the national level. Yes, he was the high Commissioner of Malaysia, but it is not enough to lead a national party.

With this analysis, if I were an NDC delegate and want to win in 2016, I would rather vote for Dr. Adjei. The reasons are as follow. I have seen his track record, excellent reputation, a good team player, and enormous experience for 2016.