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Opinions of Monday, 29 October 2018

Columnist: Antwi Boasiako John

NDC elections postmortem: 5 reasons Brogya Genfi lost woefully

Yaw Brogya Genfi Yaw Brogya Genfi

Many have taken to social media to flay Brogya Genfi for losing out to George Opare-Addo in the party’s National Youth Organizer contest.

Tongues are wagging, asking what could have precipitated this loss of the young man who many an inexpert eye had tipped to carry the day.

The fact is that Brogya Gyemfi lost the script right from day one. Thinking that engaging unbridled buffoonery and making cacophonous noises against Ken Ofori-Atta over a matter that was too wobbly to stand the test of logical reasoning would help pedal him to his destination.

Another move that deceptively gingered him to believe that he would win the race was the stunt he played with the vigilante group, the Hawks.

Brogya organized a couple of these guys, bragged to them, fired them up with his sugarcoated promises, videotaped the scene and sent same around.

On radio, he was always on an insulting spree, raining invectives on political opponents.

All these and many other actions he pursued could not gift him the position he sought for.

His defeat was ordained by his own delusions of glandeur. Opare-Addo did not win because of any specialty. Brogya Gyemfi’s failures automatically translated into Pablo’s victory.

Better luck next time, Brogya Gyenfi!